A dry mouth is one of those things that might not sound like a huge issue until it starts affecting you.
Dry mouths actually cause a lot more problems than you might expect and can be rather unpleasant to live with. For one, a dry mouth will often lead to bad breath. Dry mouths are caused by a lack of saliva and saliva is – among other things – responsible for killing off the bacteria in our mouths. In short, if you aren’t salivating, then the bacteria can thrive and you may find that you start to smell as a result!
Dry mouths can also make it difficult to eat, they can cause you to get ulcers, sores and other painful patches in your mouth. They’re bad for your teeth. And they can make you stumble over your words when you try to speak! And trying to get to sleep with a dry mouth is just no fun either. So with all that in mind, here are 10 dry mouth remedies that you can try at home right now…
1. Drink More
One of the easiest ways to improve the symptoms of a dry mouth is simply to drink more. Drinking more water is ideal, but anything will be considered as better than nothing. So, drink more juice, drink more milk… heck drink more soda drinks!
This will then provide your body with more of the fluids that it needs in order to produce salvia, thus helping you to keep your mouth nicely moist.
There are other benefits to drinking more water etc. too. For example, when you get dehydrated, it can cause headaches, poor mood, muscle cramps, impaired cognitive performance, worse sleep, and much more. In other words, then, getting more water in your diet will improve every aspect of your physical and mental health! And the big issue here is that the vast majority of the population is actually dehydrated, most of the time.