When a person is suffering from depression, the signs are not always obvious. Many people who live with depression are able to hide it from the world. A person with depression can seem to be normal on the outside, even when they are struggling to cope on the inside. At times, a person may not even realize that they are depressed. Depression can manifest differently in different people.
This is mainly because people will handle the way that they are feeling in many different ways. There are several symptoms and signs that can be indicators of not being well. Some of these signs and symptoms are quite subtle. However, they are very common among those people who are living with depression. Here are ten of the subtle signs that a person who is living with depression may experience at some point.
1. Always Staying Busy
A person who is struggling with depression may always keep themselves busy. They never stop and are always on the go. When they are not working they go to the gym, they volunteer, or they go out with their friends. If they sit down to watch a show on television they typically will be doing several other things at the same time. A person struggling with depression never takes the time to stop and regroup.
They will typically have their phones in their hands at all times and not take the time to stop to think about how they are feeling. Staying busy is the way that a person may be coping with how they really feel. This struggle to stay busy can have side effects as it will eventually catch up to a person. If you find that you are always looking for a way to fill your time, this could be a subtle sign that you are ignoring what you are feeling and need to take a step back.