Having bumps on the tongue is quite a common phenomenon, though this makes it no less alarming and frustrating for those that experience it. It can be very distracting, and you may find yourself constantly running your tongue along the roof of your mouth to check if they’re still there!
There are a lot of different reasons for bumps on the tongue and there are many different types of bumps that can form. One of the most common types of bumps on the tongue is the condition called ‘lie bumps’. These are so-called because it was once believed that telling lies would lead to the formation of these bumps! Of course, this is nothing more than an old myth with no foundation in truth, but there are several other things that can cause these bumps to appear.
Here we will look at some of the causes and the things you can do to prevent them.
1. Check for Allergies
One of the most common causes of bumps on the tongue is that you are having an reaction to whatever you ate. This can then cause the bumps to form, just as you might notice a raised rash on your skin if you should come into physical contact with something that causes you to react.
Allergies, in turn, are caused by your body mistakenly reacting to a harmless substance as though it were bacteria or a toxin. For instance, then, you might come into contact with something like a strawberry, but your body will think that this is a germ or a type of poison! Thus it rushes blood to the area, sends white blood cells there, etc.
If you find bumps on your tongue often, you may have a low-key reaction to something in your diet and be unaware of it. The solution then is to try and identify what it is in your diet that might be causing this. One way to do that is by maintaining a food diary. This means keeping track of everything you eat, in order to find out where the correlations are.
Do this and you can then avoid that food, thus curing the bumps!