Gastritis is actually a fairly general medical term that describes a number of conditions that all have one common theme, the lining of the stomach is inflamed. Gastritis inflammation is often is a result of an infection. This infection is typically caused by the same type of bacteria that causes the majority of stomach ulcers. Gastritis can appear suddenly and when this occurs it is referred to as acute gastritis. It can also appear slowly with time. This is referred to as chronic gastritis.
In some cases, a person suffering from gastritis will develop ulcers and it can also lead to an increased risk of developing stomach cancer. However, the majority of people who suffer from gastritis do not have any serious symptoms and the issue will resolve quickly with treatment. Let’s take a closer look at some of the possible causes of gastritis.
1. H. Pylori Bacteria Infection
The most common cause of gastritis throughout the world is a bacterial infection caused by H. pylori. Many people become infected with this bacteria during their childhood. However, not everyone that is infected with the H. pylori bacteria will experience any symptoms from it. H. pylori can cause either acute or chronic gastritis. It does not commonly cause erosive gastritis. It is thought by researchers that the bacteria is spread through water, food, saliva, and other types of bodily fluids.
Healthy individuals can often fight off the bacteria and for this reason do not experience any damage to the stomach lining. However, those who have weakened immune systems may suffer from symptoms of gastritis when exposed to H. pylori. Eating foods that contain probiotics, such as yogurt and fermented fruits and vegetables, provide good gut bacteria that can help to reduce the risk of gastritis developing from the H. pylori bacteria.