What you eat has a profound impact on your weight and muscle mass. If you’re not eating the right stuff, or if you’re eating too much of the wrong stuff, or your diet is all wonky and filled with junk foods, you’re not going to have the weight loss and muscle-building results you want.
To lose fat and build muscle, you need to eat a variety of proteins, vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, and even herbs and spices. All that good protein will help you build muscle and lose weight. Fruits, vegetables, and carbs will give you a steady supply of energy throughout the day and help you with your workouts.
Healthy fats will actually help you lose weight (seems kind of counterintuitive, right?). A lot of people struggle with crafting and maintaining a diet that helps them lose weight and build muscle. That’s why so many people are obese in the United States.
The good news is that you can easily and affordably build a diet that will help you lose weight and build muscle. It doesn’t take a lot of effort, money, or time.
1. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Olive oil is seen in the healthy fats section of many books on bodybuilding. Olive oil has been used in the Mediterranean for millennia, and it is regularly consumed by the world’s healthiest and longest-lived cultures.
You’ve got to get some fat into your diet somehow, and olive oil is an excellent solution. The key to fats is to only consume the good fats. The monounsaturated fat in olive oil protects your heart and won’t contribute to weight gain. Plus, it tastes delicious.
You can cook with it or use it as a salad dressing. You can even add it to raw soups and other dishes. You can dip bread in it. It’s a smart idea to keep a big fresh bottle of extra virgin olive oil on the counter.
The closer to its natural state, the better. Get raw, organic, unfiltered, and extra virgin olive oil in a dark bottle and store it in a dark, cool place.