Have you ever had your testosterone levels checked? Most people don’t think of the fact that any of their physical symptoms could be due to an imbalance in their hormone levels, which means that most people will never spot if there’s something wrong with their health. This leads to a lot of misdiagnosed, even by doctors, when it comes to low hormone levels.
Could your testosterone levels be low? If you have been feeling lethargic, depressed, have lost your appetite or have been experiencing any other symptoms like changes in the way you sleep, then the cause behind your symptoms could very well be low testosterone levels.
Here’s a list of 10 of the most common symptoms of low testosterone so that you know what to look out for if it ever happens to you. If you check any of the symptoms on this list, especially if you check several at once, make an appointment with your doctor and take this article along.
1. Depression
Depression can be described as an overwhelming feeling of sadness, dread or hopelessness, and though depression comes in many different forms, that’s the description of it at its simplest. If you want to know what depression feels like, think of the fact that the author of Harry Potter used the creatures of the Dementors to describe what she felt like during her depressive episodes.
Does that feel familiar? Then you could be suffering from clinical depression: No, you’re not just a little moody or a little off every once in awhile, it’s a medical condition with cause and treatment. There can be many causes for depression, including conditions inherited from family, medications you may be taking, clinical depression, bipolar disorder – or a chemical or hormonal imbalance, such as low testosterone.
Depression is already a condition that’s surrounded by a lot of stigmas, and plenty of men are simply too proud to ask. Seek help if you think you or someone you know might be suffering from depression.