9. Restore Health of Skin and Nails
Both men and women understand the importance of a skincare routine. However, many would never consider that adding mushrooms to their diet would be as effective as the latest moisturizer or serum. Mushrooms encourage the production of collagen. This protein assists the skin with maintaining elasticity.
Collagen production also helps to heal acne scars and sun spots while making your skin look bright and healthy. Mushrooms are a rich source of selenium. This potent nutrient primarily exists in animal protein sources. Unfortunately, this means that vegans and vegetarians miss out on this compound unless they supplement with exogenous sources of the mineral.
However, mushrooms provide all the selenium vegans, and vegetarians need to maintain healthy, vibrant skin. Selenium also plays a role in keeping hair shiny and full of volume while strengthening teeth and bones. Different mushrooms species have different quantities of this mineral, with shitake mushrooms being the most bioavailable source.