The arteries are a part of the circulatory system. These blood vessels transport oxygenated blood from the heart to every other part of your body, from the brain all the way down to the tips of the toes. In order for oxygenated blood to move through the arteries with ease, the interior walls of these blood vessels need to be smooth. However, a buildup of plaque on the inner walls of the arteries can result in a clog, which can minimize the flow of blood. If the buildup of plaque becomes severe enough, the arteries can become completely blocked.
When the arteries are clogged, there is a chance that serious complications can develop, including stroke, heart attack, and even death. Because of the serious implications, being aware of the signs of clogged arteries is vital to your overall health and well being. Below, you’ll find 10 signs that could be an indication of clogged arteries.
1. Chest pain
One of the most telling signs of clogged arteries is pain in the chest. If an artery is blocked or you are experiencing a heart attack, you may experience odd sensations in the chest, including pain, pressure, and tightness. The feeling can last for a few minutes and then subside. It can occur when you are physically active; however, it can also develop when you are resting. If the discomfort lasts for only a few moments, or if it worsens when you push on the site, it likely isn’t your heart.
Nevertheless, if you experience any discomfort in your chest, you should schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider to rule out a serious condition. A comprehensive exam will determine the cause of the pain. If clogged arteries are to blame, your doctor will determine the best course of action to treat the condition that will help prevent a more serious problem in the future, such as a heart attack or a stroke.