Psoriasis affects more than 3 million people in the United States each year. It can be embarrassing, annoying, and difficult to treat effectively. It is a chronic condition, and it can last for several years or even a whole lifetime. However, the good news is that treatment can help. Psoriasis is thought to be an immune condition. The most common sign of the condition is a skin rash. Most traditional treatments are designed to get rid of the scales and inhibit skin cells from growing and building up so quickly.
Everything from topical ointments to UV therapy and oral medications has been tried for this disease. It does require a medical diagnosis. So, if you haven’t already gotten one, schedule an appointment with a highly-rated local dermatologist right now and get one set up. Once you know what you’re dealing with, you can start treating it. Hopefully, this list will help you with your self-treatment journey. We’ve tried to compile them all together here in one place for easy comprehension and to be as helpful as possible. If one treatment doesn’t work, move on to the next one. Hopefully, you’ll be able to get your psoriasis under control in no time.
1. Essential Oils
You’ve probably heard of essential oils before, but have you ever used them on your skin? Essential oils are just the highly concentrated, distilled version of the oils inherent in plants. Essential oils are used for all sorts of ailments, and for cosmetic and aromatic reasons, but they can also be used for psoriasis. There are some essential oils that work especially well for psoriasis. Lavender, tea tree oil, frankincense, myrrh, and geranium are all helpful for psoriasis. Some of these oils can reduce inflammation, stimulate the immune system, soothe the skin, promote new skin growth and healing, and act as antibacterial, antiseptic, and antioxidant support supplements.