When you are enjoying some of your favorite foods it is really hard to believe that it could make you sick. Food poisoning can occur at any time and at any place. You may have a favorite restaurant that you eat frequently and enjoy each meal there. While you have eaten there many times before, there could be a time when your favorite dish causes you to become ill.
The cause of food poisoning is the unhygienic and improper handling of food. All it takes is one misguided employee not washing their hands or not keeping the food at the right temperature and bacteria will spread. This bacteria could be harmless, or it could cause a variety of illnesses. If you find that you are suffering from food poisoning, there are several treatments that you may consider to alleviate the symptoms of the illness.
1. Ginger
Ginger has been used for thousands of years as a treatment for many different types of ailments. The reason for this is because this root has a lot of preventative and therapeutic effects that are actually quite powerful. Ginger helps to improve the absorption of essential nutrients. It also helps with digestion. For these reasons, ginger can help greatly reduce nausea and vomiting, providing almost instant relief if you are suffering from food poisoning. In order to use ginger as a treatment for food poisoning, you will want to boil some ginger tea.
Use about a teaspoon of ginger in one cup of boiling water. Add some honey or some sugar for sweetness. If you do not want to make tea you can simply mix some ginger juice and honey and just swallow the mix a few times each day. This will help to reduce any pain and inflammation you may be experiencing.