Depression is estimated to affect millions of people worldwide – and it could be that you are one of the people who suffer from depression and might not have even recognized the symptoms for what they are up until now. If you have been feeling sad more frequently, have been experiencing fatigue that doesn’t go away – and have been going through other changes such as constant changes in your mood and even changes in your appetite, then you shoulder consider the fact that you might be suffering from depression.
If you can combine any of the symptoms on this list, then you should go to a doctor as soon as possible – depression is a very manageable condition if you are able to recognize the symptoms and seek treatment for it early on. Here are some of the most common and some of the not so common symptoms of depression and what you can do to overcome them.
1. Tiredness
Feeling tired or fatigued is a very common symptom of depression and happens to almost everyone with waves of frequency; sometimes you might have gotten more than enough sleep and other times you might have gotten no sleep the previous night at all – but in both cases you will feel like you are constantly tired no matter how much you have slept the last night, week or month.
The tiredness that comes with depression has nothing to do with how much you slept, but is down to your current mental state and sometimes chemical imbalances within your brain; chronic tiredness is never a good sign and always a reason to visit your doctor to have the symptom checked out on a more intense level. It’s much better than never being able to find the cause for your illness, wouldn’t you say? Many people try to push themselves through tiredness by taking more stimulants, but this will never take care of the cause.