Erectile dysfunction is a medical condition that affects thousands of men all over the world; are you one of them? It’s estimated that there are far more men struggling with erectile dysfunction than the current number that we know about, simply because there’s so much stigma attached to the condition that most men will never admit they suffer from it – and even in modern times where we have cars that charge with the sun, people still find themselves being unable to talk about erectile dysfunction.
If you are struggling with the condition, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss the underlying cause and possible treatment options – in most cases, it’s something small and easy to fix, and then you can get right back to living your (sex) life the way you should.
Did you know that erectile dysfunction is something that can affect men at any age and that the most common causes of erectile dysfunction are stress, underlying heart conditions, and hormonal changes? Here are 11 not-so-known facts about erectile dysfunction.
1. It’s a real medical condition
Erectile dysfunction, also commonly referred to as ED, isn’t just something that happens to a guy when he’s had a long day. When it happens regularly during times where it really shouldn’t be happening, then it can be guessed that you’re suffering from erectile dysfunction. It’s a real medical condition that can be diagnosed by a doctor.
Why is this a good thing? Because once it’s been diagnosed by your doctor, it can also be treated by your doctor, and in most cases, the cause of erectile dysfunction is something minor.
For a huge portion of men, it’s too embarrassing to mention to their doctors and they hope it will go away on its own. In most cases, it won’t and you aren’t doing yourself any favors by trying to wait until the condition passes. Your best bet is to swallow your pride and make an appointment with a urologist or sexual health specialist.