Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were once promoted as the future of agriculture and the industry of food in general. With an increasing world population and the development of new technologies in the field of agroindustry, companies – especially the corporate giant Monsanto – presented options to increase productivity with plantations and cattle. Many plants and animals were genetically modified to better fit the model of productivity and convenience that was shaping the agroindustrial sector back then, and mostly still does today.
However, research shows that genetically modified food can be very harmful for our health. The reasons vary from case to case, and here we will quickly review the main hazards of genetically modified organisms when integrated into the human diet. Here is a list of our top picks for genetically modified food you should avoid for the sake of your health, as research suggests after years of scientific trials.
1. Soy
Soy is a widely consumed grain, especially in the Eastern world, and is widely regarded as a healthy aliment. Even though the actual nutritional and health benefits of soy are under scrutiny, what is true is that is has been an integral part of human diet in many ancient cultures, and is still widely consumed nowadays. However, soy is one of the most heavily genetically modified foods you can think of.
About 90% of soy that is currently cultivated and consumed in the world has been genetically modified, which means that it is almost for sure that you have consumed genetically modified soy and/or its subproducts many times in your life. Genetically modified soy is known to cause many health problems and has been especially linked to pancreas failure, which can be potentially deadly. If you want to eat soy, then you should buy only organic soy, and even then chances are the seeds will be genetically modified anyway.