When it’s time for flu season to come around, it’s likely that your doctor has recommended that you get a flu shot. Research says that getting a flu shot can drastically reduce your chances of getting sick during the flu season – but what most people don’t know is that their flu shot will only protect them against some flu strains, and usually only the two or three most common strains for the season.
This means that you can still get flu even if you’ve had your flu shot – it’ll just be another strain of the flu instead. While it’s an obvious fact that flu shots can help you be healthier during the flu season, it won’t make you immune to catching flu bugs by any means – and more research shows that there are some side-effects associated with getting your flu shot.
Here are the 8 most common flu shot side effects.
1. Experiencing a Headache
One of the first side effects that you could experience after getting your flu shot is a slight headache, and it’s one of the most common symptoms associated with most types of shots or vaccinations. The headache is your body’s immune-system response to getting an injection of foreign bodies – in this case, it’s a flu shot.
The headache can usually be expected to go away a few minutes to hours after your first flu shot, and it’s usually not much to be concerned about. You might find that you are a little more sensitive to light for a while, and it helps to wear dark glasses until it goes away – especially if you have to drive and expose your eyes to direct sunlight.
If you’d like to get rid of the headache sooner, over-the-counter painkillers are enough to banish the headache – and remember to drink plenty of water so that you stay hydrated. If the headache continues or you start to show migraine-like symptoms, visit your doctor.