People opt for various practices in order to maintain healthy longevity. This ranges from eating healthy to being physically active. Even though these are the most common ways, there are other traditional practices that help people to live a healthy life.
Yoga is an ancient practice that most people have found interesting to adopt. According to research, 95% of active people in the US incorporate yoga into their exercise routines. It also states that of the 95%, 35% perform yoga as the only form of exercise.
Yoga dates back to the ancient Buddhism and Byzantine era where it was used to connect with the spirit, discover inner-peace and communicate with the inner-self. The practice later spread to various parts of the world, where it’s practiced religiously by many people.
If you’re new to this practice, check out these 10 basic yoga poses for beginners that are bound to activate your feel-good hormones.
1. Malasana
This basic yoga pose for beginners will leave you feeling relaxed and fantastic. The squat pose is the favorite for most people who are new to this form of exercise. The essential parts to stretch with the Malasana pose are the hips and the lower back. If properly done, the final pose of the student should resemble that of a little nugget. There are a few variations of this that people may incorporate; depending on the level and the strength of the person.
Beginners may struggle at first to balance for long with their heels on the floor. To have a better hold, tuck your heels in so that both your feet can form a V-shape and allow your toes to spread out. This will widen your stance and should make you hold the pose for longer. If the full squat irritates your knees, support them by sitting on blocks.