2. Prevent Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular disease affects almost 12% of the American population, with over 28 million people living with the effects of this dreaded disease. Nearly 634,000 people die from heart attacks, stroke, and related cardiovascular conditions every year. These statistics are even more shocking when we consider that these figures are growing, rather than declining.
Taking care of your heart and the cardiorespiratory system should be a top priority for every human being. Cardiac disease is the leading cause of death across all genders and races. Poor dietary choices, smoking, and work-related stress is the top contributors to these conditions. Change your diet and get rid of all refined carbs and processed foods. Replace them with smart food choices such as healthy monounsaturated fats. Olive oil should be a staple for anyone concerned with their heart health. Add it to salads or pour it on roasted veggies for a healthy meal that is rich in heart-healthy fats and antioxidants.