Modern nutritional science has uncovered the ugly truth about refined carbohydrates. Consuming to much sugar leads to obesity, diabetes, diminished cardiovascular health, and reduced cognitive function. Every month, there’s more research published on the links between sugar and chronic inflammatory disease. Therefore, it would make sense to wean yourself off sugar, and sugary foods, to improve your health and prevent the onset of adverse health effects.
Food sweeteners are a multi-billion-dollar industry. People in every country, all over the world consume sugar substitutes. You can find sweeteners in soft drinks and food products that are labeled “diet” or “low-calorie.”
Substituting sugar for a sweetener in your morning coffee may seem like a logical and healthy alternative. However, most sweeteners contain a compound called aspartame. Research into this specific sugar-replacement shows startling results. Aspartame may be more damaging to your health than sugar, here are 10 aspartame side-effects that you should know about before you use this artificial sweetener.
1. Migraines and Cluster Headaches
Migraines and tension headaches are severe, recurring, and painful conditions. Sensory warning signals precede these events, such as confusion, and disorientation. Almost 12% of the American population experience these disabling conditions that can last for days on end.
Environmental or dietary triggers cause the majority of headaches and migraines. Red wine, chocolate, and cheese are examples of foods that trigger these painful events. The Mayo Clinic recently published evidence suggesting that aspartame is another trigger of tension headaches and migraines.
The research shows that it only takes a small quantity of the sweetener to create a severe adverse reaction in the body. Doctors recommend removing any trace of alcohol or caffeine from your diet to reduce trigger events. Diet soda is another foodstuff that could cause a potential trigger event resulting in migraines or a tension headache. Diet soda contains aspartame to replace sugar; the sweetener can create low blood sugar episodes that trigger migraines.