A fever is the body’s way of trying to fight off an infection. However, when you have a fever it can drain your body and can lead to other complications with your health. High body temperature can become fatal and if you start to burn up because of an infection or other ailment, you need to act quickly. If the fever is mild, it may be useful for your health as it can help fight off infections.
However, going to a doctor is a must if your temperature becomes too high. If you are struggling with a fever that is leaving you lethargic there are several natural remedies that can be used to help treat your fever from home. It is a good idea to talk to your doctor about any of the home remedies that you try to ensure that it is safe for you to do so.
1. Bone Broth
Eating bone broth is a good idea at any time. When you prepare bone broth with various spices and herbs it becomes a powerhouse for nutrients. When you have a fever, consuming chicken soup is one of the oldest home remedies in the books. This home remedy is something used throughout the world for when you are not feeling well. Not only does bone broth provide you with some much-needed nutrients, but it also helps to speed up the recovery process.
Bone broth that is prepared with chicken will help to strengthen the white blood cells. This allows them to fight microbes. The next time you come down with a fever, make yourself a bowl of some chicken broth. This will help to give your body the nutrients that it needs to help fight off the infection that is causing you to run a fever.