Ear pain is a very common symptom that goes together with a handful of different health conditions, most commonly an ear infection – although many other types of airway infections and conditions like the flu might also have ear pain as an accompanying symptom.
Sometimes it can also be caused by direct trauma to the ear, because of changes in air pressure affecting the ear or by spending time underwater.The routine build-up of wax in the ears can also trigger ear pain.
It’s one of the most uncomfortable symptoms to have. But it can also be one of the easiest ones to cure and you might not even have to see your doctor do it: There are plenty of home cures that can help you to relieve ear pain fast.
Here are 14 simple home cures for ear pain relief.
1. The Saline solution in the ear
Saline solution sounds like something a lot fancier and more medical than what it really is: Actually, it’s just regular saltwater solution made with high-quality salt and pure water – and it can be one of the best things you do to relieve ear pain at home if what’s causing it is the build-up of ear wax inside the ear.
Just a few drops of saline solution should do it: Let it run into the ear, and then turn the head so that the saline solution is able to run out of the ear again from there. An earbud can be used, but never force one directly (or too deep) into the ear.
This should be enough to get rid of the majority of ear wax build-up – and if it doesn’t you might have to see your doctor for a more thorough removal without the chance of hurting your ears on the inside.