A-fib is also known as atrial fibrillation, and it’s a much more common health condition than you might think. This condition combined with atrial flutters resulted in an estimated 193, 300 casualties just in 2015 – and a great deal of these could have been prevented if the right medical treatment had been started on soon enough.
If you have been diagnosed with a-fib or think that you might match up with some of the symptoms, then you’ll have to make some serious changes to your lifestyle and start checking up on your heart a little more often – the condition can be managed, but early diagnosis and the right treatment is key to living a healthier life with atrial fibrillation. The condition can affect you at any point in your life, and there is a range of symptoms that could be an early warning sign.
Here’s a list of possible afib symptoms that you should watch out for if you suspect that you, a family member or anyone else you know could be affected with the disorder.
1. Fainting
Fainting is also called syncope when we’re talking in medical terms, and it’s a common condition that’s usually caused by an interruption of oxygen leading to the brain – and there are many different things which could make this happen as you no doubt know.
Just some of the possible things that could cause you to faint include heat exhaustion, high or low blood pressure, trauma to the head or the neck, shock and heart palpitations – and it’s that last one that you should be watching out for if you have been experiencing any other symptoms related to your heart at the same time.
Fainting is never a good thing, and it’s an especially concerning symptom if it keeps happening for no apparent reason. If you find that you are fainting with increasing frequency, make an appointment with your doctor and find the root cause: Fainting in the wrong place at the wrong time could cause serious danger to you and others.