Glaucoma is the eye disease used to describe the weakening of sight in the eye and damage to your eye’s optic nerve. This nerve is the channel through which your eye carries out messages and functions sent to your eye from the brain. This nerve damage depending on the severity at which the disease is experienced can either result in temporary visual disturbances or permanent loss of sight.
In the United States of America about 3.3 million citizens live with glaucoma, while 2.7 million people within that figure range from the ages of 40 and older, live with the most common form of Glaucoma – Open-Angle Glaucoma. There are 5 types of Glaucoma, namely Open Angle Glaucoma; Acute Glaucoma, Congenital Glaucoma, Secondary Glaucoma, and Normal-Tension Glaucoma. Diagnosis of the type of Glaucoma experienced by a patient can be made through a series of tests; here are some common tell-tale signs of glaucoma:
1. Pain In The Eye
The process of nerve damage or its build up in the eye can cause severe eye pain due to the pressure caused by the fluids in the eye no longer flowing correctly. Angle-closure glaucoma is usually characterized by pain in the eye. This form of Glaucoma largely affects African Americans and Asians due to their natural eye shape being more susceptible to blockages. Angle-closure glaucoma is also said to be found in certain other eye conditions.
The pressure and pain factor in Angle-closure glaucoma is caused by the closing of the angle between the iris and cornea from the aqueous humor fluid which is supposed to flow throughout your eye is trapped in one place. This type of Glaucoma can lead to permanent blindness so it is advised to take immediate action from the time an individual starts experiencing pain as the development towards a complete blindness can be swift.