3. Eggs and Cholesterol
Chances are that you have heard that eating eggs can raise your cholesterol. It is true that eggs contain a high amount of cholesterol. A single large egg has 212 mg of cholesterol. This is a high amount when compared to some other foods. However, what most people do not realize is that just because a type of food has a high amount of cholesterol does not mean that it is going to raise bad cholesterol in the blood.
Cholesterol is produced by the liver each day. If you consume cholesterol, the liver is going to make less. If you do not eat cholesterol the liver is going to make more. When it comes to eggs, there are many studies that show that eating eggs can help to improve your overall cholesterol profile. The reason for this is because eggs will raise the good cholesterol known as HDL and can help to lower or change the LDL or bad cholesterol.