Fatty liver disease or hepatic steatosis is a term used when there is a buildup of fat in the liver. It is normal to have some fat in the liver, but when it is too much it can cause major health issues. The liver is one of the most important organs of the body. The job of the liver is to process all that we drink and eat and remove any harmful substances that enter the blood.
If there is too much fat found in the liver it can cause the liver to not function properly. When fat makes up 5 percent or more of the liver a person is considered to have fatty liver. It is possible to reverse fatty liver with some simple proper lifestyle modifications. Fatty liver is quite common and there is typically no permanent damage caused by it unless it progresses. Here are some of the causes of fatty liver.
1. Alcohol
Alcohol consumption is one of the most common reasons that a person will develop fatty liver disease. Drinking too much alcohol is very hard on your liver and can cause all types of damage.
Alcohol consumption requires the liver to work harder than normal in order to rid the body of the toxins that come from the alcoholic beverages that have been consumed. For this reason, it is important to limit your alcohol consumption. If you have some of the symptoms of fatty liver disease already, limiting the amount of alcohol that you drink is extremely important.
In fact, it is a good idea to not drink any alcohol at all. This will give your liver more time to repair itself and some of the effects of the fatty liver could be reduced. As with everything, moderation is key when it comes to improving your health overall.