{"id":939,"date":"2017-12-11T07:01:04","date_gmt":"2017-12-11T07:01:04","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/veryhealthy.life\/?p=939"},"modified":"2021-07-13T17:01:35","modified_gmt":"2021-07-13T17:01:35","slug":"21-health-benefits-vitamin-b12","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/veryhealthy.life\/21-health-benefits-vitamin-b12\/","title":{"rendered":"21 Health Benefits of Vitamin B12"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"Vitamin B12 also called cobalamin, is water-soluble. It helps with DNA production, nervous system function, and hemoglobin production. Most of your B12 is stored in your liver. People get vitamin B12 from food sources, B-complex fortified foods, and B12 supplements. B12 is available as both a dietary supplement and a prescription medication. That\u2019s how powerful it is, and how helpful it can be. It is used as a prescription medication.<\/p>\n

Vitamin B12 is found naturally in animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs, milk, and poultry. There is no vitamin B12 in plant foods, so vegans have an increased risk of becoming deficient if they don\u2019t supplement with it. Vegetarians, if they drink milk, often find fortified cereals to be a nice way to get vitamin B12. Some foods with the most vitamin B12 include clams, beef liver, fortified breakfast cereal, trout, salmon, tuna fish, hamburger, and haddock. Vitamin B12 supplements are available as capsules, pills tablets, and lozenges. Some people even get B12 shots! Vitamin B12 shots are usually given when there is a serious vitamin B12 deficiency caused by a disease like pernicious anemia. Vitamin B12 deficiency presents with symptoms like constipation, weight loss, fatigue, weakness, and mental health issues like depression, bad mood, and poor memory.<\/p>\n

1. Vitamin B12 protects your brain.<\/h3>\n

Vitamin B12<\/a> is an essential component of many brain-boosting formulas. Go to any health food store and look for brain-boosting supplements, and you\u2019ll find vitamin B12 is in many of them. Vitamin B12 can also help president diseases like Alzheimer\u2019s, vascular dementia, and various mood disorders. It even increases the rate at which axons are regenerated, and it enhances neuronal repair. The bottom line is that vitamin B12 deficiency affects a good number of adults, and your brain could be in peril if you\u2019re not eating a diet rich in B12 foods or taking vitamin B12 supplements. Vitamin B12 is essential for healthy memory, concentration, and focus. Having too little B12 is linked to depression You need B12 to make mood-enhancing neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin.<\/p>\n

\"\"2. Vitamin B12 protects your body internally and externally.<\/h3>\n

Where do we start? Vitamin B12 helps with so much in the body that we can\u2019t possibly include it in such a short blurb, but we\u2019ll try to include some of the most well-known health benefits nonetheless.<\/p>\n

First of all, vitamin B12 is essential for bone health and preventing osteoporosis. It even protects against heart disease. It has been shown to reduce both the frequency and severity of asthma<\/a> attacks and allergies.<\/p>\n

It is also required for healthy skin, nail, and hair health. It also helps reduce the chances you\u2019ll suffer from macular degeneration.<\/p>\n

This is a powerful vitamin, and you should either be eating foods rich in B12 or supplementing with it.<\/p>\n

\"\"3. Vitamin B12 is helpful for certain neurological disorders.<\/h3>\n

Elderly adults plagued with certain neurological disorders can benefit from Vitamin B12 supplementation. Many older adults diagnosed with Alzheimer\u2019s<\/a> or dementia are really just B12-deficient and make dramatic recoveries when their low levels of B12 are handled.<\/p>\n

There is oftentimes a misdiagnosis because vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms closely match symptoms of those diseases. Vitamin B12 injections are sometimes called for, and high doses have been shown effective for people with these conditions.<\/p>\n

There\u2019s even some evidence that taking a full spectrum B-complex supplement can be helpful for Alzheimer\u2019s patients.<\/p>\n

\"\"4. Vitamin B12 enhances your body and mind so you feel better overall.<\/h3>\n

One of the main reasons you should take vitamin B12<\/a> is because many adults are deficient in it. Just to be sure, you should be eating two or three of the top B12-containing foods on a weekly basis and supplementing every day if you\u2019re not (or if you\u2019re a vegan).<\/p>\n

If you\u2019re not getting enough B12, you could fall into a brain fog, which can almost look like a dementia state if it\u2019s bad enough. Your memory might become hazy, and your cognitive function can be slowed down somewhat. A vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause you to become weak, constipated, depressed, and fatigued. It\u2019s no joke.<\/p>\n

One of the main benefits of taking vitamin B12 is that you\u2019ll just function better emotionally, physically, and mentally.<\/p>\n

\"\"5. Vitamin B12 makes you more energetic.<\/h3>\n

If you\u2019re suffering from low energy or chronic fatigue, you might want to give vitamin B12 a try. Vitamin B12 is required for carbohydrate<\/a> conversion into glucose, which leads to energy production and a reduction in lethargy and fatigue in your body.<\/p>\n

If you\u2019re slumping, slouching, sluggish, and sloughing off at work, you might want to buzz on over to your local health food store after work and grab a vitamin B12 supplement. It could do the trick, especially if your diet is bad or you\u2019re vegan.<\/p>\n

Many people report a feeling of instant energy after getting a B12 shot. You could start to notice results pretty quickly even with B12 supplements.<\/p>\n

\"\"6. Vitamin B12 helps with your mental health.<\/h3>\n

Your central nervous system can get out of whack for various reasons, but one thing you should always be doing is be taking in enough nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to ensure it has what it needs to function in top form.<\/p>\n

It helps with regulating your nervous system<\/a>, lessening the likelihood of brain shrinkage, depression, and stress. If you\u2019re prone to depression, stress, and low energy, give yourself a better shot of warding it off by taking a good B-complex supplement every day.<\/p>\n

The B-complex has long been associated with good brain health, and you\u2019ll be protecting and boosting your brain health by taking it.<\/p>\n

\"\"7. Vitamin B12 is a digestive health aid.<\/h3>\n

Vitamin B12 is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system<\/a>. Vitamin B12 helps the digestive system function properly.<\/p>\n

If you\u2019re not getting enough vitamin B12, you\u2019ll notice that you get constipated more often and have a sluggish digestive system overall. Because backed up digestion can lead to broader toxicity in your system. it\u2019s essential you keep things moving through you at a regular place.<\/p>\n

That\u2019s why it\u2019s a good idea to take a B12 supplement and eat a high-fiber diet. You shouldn\u2019t neglect your digestive health, because a problem in the gut can lead to bigger problems in your body.<\/p>\n

\"\"8. Vitamin B12 is great for your skin.<\/h3>\n

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin for your skin. It helps to repair your skin and keeps it looking great. Many people who start taking a B-complex supplement notice that their skin problems like dryness, acne, and redness start to fade away.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s just not a vitamin you want to run low on if you want your skin to look awesome. Everything from dark spots and eczema<\/a> to dull and dry skin can benefit from a little B12.<\/p>\n

The bottom line: When our bodies are deficient in core vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, none of our organs function well.<\/p>\n

And the skin is an organ too.<\/p>\n

\"\"9. Vitamin B12 makes your hair look and feel healthier.<\/h3>\n

If you suffer from hair<\/a> problems, then you might want to get on a B-complex supplement right away. B12 is known to add sheen, shine, and a healthy look to hair.<\/p>\n

If you can get your B12 from the foods you\u2019re eating, that\u2019s great. But, if you\u2019re a vegan or have trouble eating an optimal diet, consider getting on a B-complex supplement.<\/p>\n

Some nutritionists and medical scientists say that B12 actually promotes hair growth by promoting red blood cell formation. Through a complicated process with many more steps, this aids in the production of hair.<\/p>\n

If you\u2019re not getting enough B12, your hair just isn\u2019t going to grow as fast.<\/p>\n

\"\"10. Vitamin B12 is good for your nails.<\/h3>\n

Vitamin B12 is great for the skin and hair, and it follows naturally that it would be good for your nails<\/a>, as well.<\/p>\n

If you\u2019ve been running low in Vitamin B12, you could notice a dramatic difference in your nail growth, health, and look once you start taking it. If you\u2019re not low on it, then you might not notice a big difference. But if you\u2019ve been complaining about your nail health, then B12 might be just the thing that fixes your nail trouble.<\/p>\n

If your nails are brittle, weak, and growing poorly, taking a multivitamin-mineral supplement along with a good B-complex for good measure could make a dramatic difference in your nail health.<\/p>\n

\"\"11. Vitamin B12 is good for your heart.<\/h3>\n

Vitamin B12 helps keep your cholesterol<\/a> levels in check. It could even allow you to reduce your use of cholesterol-lowering drugs. If your doctor has told you that you\u2019re deficient in Vitamin B12, then they might also have recommended B12 supplements and given you a list of foods that are high in Vitamin B12.<\/p>\n

You need to start eating a B12-rich diet right away. B12 is essential for heart health, and it keeps your cholesterol levels down.<\/p>\n

Heart disease is the number one killer in the U.S., and you should be doing everything you can to prevent this deadly disease from striking you.<\/p>\n

\"\"12. Vitamin B12 is important for cellular health.<\/h3>\n

Vitamin B12 helps with the maintenance of different types of cells throughout the human body. It is essential for forming, repairing, and maintaining red blood cells, and nerve cells are also positively impacted by Vitamin B12.<\/p>\n

It keeps your nervous system healthy and strong. Vitamin B12 has an influence on the metabolism<\/a> in every one of your cells. B12 isn\u2019t produced in our bodies, so we have to get it from our diets or supplements. If you\u2019re not getting B12, you could be negatively impacting your cellular health.<\/p>\n

If you don\u2019t have enough B12 in your diet, you could have sluggish or inefficient red blood cell production.<\/p>\n

\"\"13. Vitamin B12 is essential for DNA formation.<\/h3>\n

Yes, B12 is that important. It\u2019s essential for DNA formation. This vitamin is one of the most serious elements in the red blood cell production process. Lack of Vitamin B12 could even lead to abnormal red blood cell formation.<\/p>\n

This causes a shortage of blood in your body, known as anemia<\/a>. Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin. All vitamins are essential. But if you\u2019re not getting enough of certain vitamins, you could become anemic.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s important for all people and vegans to realize that they need to be eating some animal products or taking Vitamin B12 as a supplement.<\/p>\n

\"\"14. It lifts your fatigue.<\/h3>\n

If you\u2019ve been feeling fatigued and dragging around lately, then you might be short on B12. Many people report an instant lifting of their fatigue after a B12 shot and a lot of people who were low energy before find themselves feeling lighter and freer than ever before. B12 works to relieve body weakness and make you strong again.<\/p>\n

It increases your stamina<\/a>, endurance, and ability to withstand heavy workloads and intense pressure. It helps not only with your physical energy but your mental energy, as well. No one likes feeling fatigued, and many people are surprised that there is such a simple solution to help lift it.<\/p>\n

Of course, if you\u2019re not deficient in B12, it might not do too much good.<\/p>\n

\"\"15. It protects against Alzheimer\u2019s Disease.<\/h3>\n

Vitamin B12 is good for preventing and treating Alzheimer\u2019s Disease. Alzheimer\u2019s is a crippling disease with symptoms like forgetfulness, confusion, and depression.<\/p>\n

Studies have suggested that low levels of Vitamin B12 can be a risk factor for dementia<\/a>. Vitamin B12 fights off fatigue and low energy, and it also helps with brainpower, memory, and concentration. Anything that does those things will certainly help with Alzheimer\u2019s Disease symptoms. Vitamin B12 is linked to a lower risk of Alzheimer\u2019s Disease.<\/p>\n

There is some scientific evidence that it may protect the brain against it. One way that Vitamin B12 may help prevent Alzheimer\u2019s Disease is by lowering the levels of an amino acid called homocysteine, which has been associated with Alzheimer\u2019s Disease.<\/p>\n

\"\"16. It prevents cancer.<\/h3>\n

Anything that prevents cancer<\/a> should be incorporated into your supplement routine and diet, and Vitamin B12 just might prevent cancer. People suffering from certain types of cancer are often deficient in Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 also helps with the methylation process, which is an important process that helps to safeguard our DNA from damage.<\/p>\n

When we have DNA damage, it increases the risk of cancer. Take B12 every day to help prevent DNA damage and reduce the risk of cancer. Having all your vitamins and minerals every day is a good way to prevent a variety of diseases \u2013 not just cancer.<\/p>\n

Ensure that you\u2019re getting enough vitamins and minerals by taking a multivitamin-mineral supplement every day.<\/p>\n

\"\"17. It has a positive effect on male fertility.<\/h3>\n

Vitamin B12 might have a positive effect on male fertility. Vitamin B12 deficiency has been associated with azoospermia, which is a condition characterized by too little sperm in the semen. Taking B12 might work to enhance sperm production.<\/p>\n

You should talk to your doctor about the appropriate amount of B12 to take if you\u2019re suffering from a male infertility<\/a> problem. Vitamin B12 and its effect on sperm production have been researched since the 1970s.<\/p>\n

There are several studies that lead one to believe a male could be helped with low sperm production by taking Vitamin B12.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s important to get tested by a fertility doctor to find out whether it could help you.<\/p>\n

\"\"18. B12 can fight against cardiovascular disease.<\/h3>\n

B12 has been shown to help against the onset of cardiovascular disease<\/a>. In the same way that it might help to prevent Alzheimer\u2019s Disease, it helps fight cardiovascular disease. An amino acid called homocysteine, when it is elevated, can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.<\/p>\n

Homocysteine levels can be lowered by taking B12. B12 also improves your energy levels, which makes it more likely that you\u2019ll exercise. Exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.<\/p>\n

The American lifestyle is one of the unhealthiest in the world, characterized by junk food, sedentariness, and poor sleep. Eating right, exercising, and taking B12 can all help fight against cardiovascular disease.<\/p>\n

\"\"19. B12 is essential for protein synthesis.<\/h3>\n

B12 plays an important role in converting a variety of substances and amino acids<\/a> in your diet into new proteins. Vitamin B12 is very important for muscle growth, bodybuilders, and ensuring that your protein-rich diet leads to healthy gains if you\u2019re working out a lot.<\/p>\n

It acts as an important factor in your metabolism, and it\u2019s essential to energy production. If you\u2019re an athlete or bodybuilder, then you need to be taking B12 somehow. And, most bodybuilders are already eating a lot of animal products.<\/p>\n

Animal products are the best food source of Vitamin B12.<\/p>\n

\"\"20. B12 is a miracle mood booster.<\/h3>\n

Vitamin B12 helps with mental balance and mood. It keeps your mood balanced, so you don\u2019t have as many wild mood swings or as much mood imbalance. Vitamin B12 also helps with sleep and sleep patterns, which allow for a more restful and deeper sleep. Getting better sleep also helps with mood.<\/p>\n

The whole B-complex is important for mental health. There have been many surprising gains in alternative mental health<\/a> research with B vitamins.<\/p>\n

If you have a low or imbalanced mood, then you should get on B12 now. It could help you live a better, more functional, and nicer life overall.<\/p>\n

The better you feel on the inside, the better you\u2019ll function on the outside.<\/p>\n

\"\"21. Vitamin B12 has a good effect on mental aging.<\/h3>\n

As we age, our brains become duller, slower, and less efficient. This isn\u2019t true of all old people, but it is true of nearly half of them.<\/p>\n

In order to protect your again brain, starting taking Vitamin B12. People with insufficient B12 intake have less age-related brain problems. If you\u2019re suffering or struggling with the early warning signs of dementia<\/a>, then get on a full-spectrum B-complex right away.<\/p>\n

It could slow down the process that ultimately leads to a serious disease like Alzheimer\u2019s. Why not get on a vitamin that could prevent or slow down mental aging?<\/p>\n

You should be doing everything you can to slow it down.<\/p>\n\r\n
