{"id":751,"date":"2017-10-12T06:06:14","date_gmt":"2017-10-12T06:06:14","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/veryhealthy.life\/?p=751"},"modified":"2020-06-30T13:15:59","modified_gmt":"2020-06-30T13:15:59","slug":"20-natural-ways-lower-stress","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/veryhealthy.life\/20-natural-ways-lower-stress\/","title":{"rendered":"20 Natural Ways to Lower Stress"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"Stress is one of the most damaging ailments that a person can face. It wreaks havoc on virtually all facets of life, impacting your emotional, physical, and mental health. When stress is chronic, it can lead to serious mental health problems, including depression and anxiety. It can also increase the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, gastrointestinal diseases, and neurological disorders; not to mention, chronic stress can also weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to illnesses and infections.<\/p>\n

Everyone experiences stress on a daily basis. In fact, it\u2019s actually a vital part of survival. Stress triggers the \u201cfight-or-flight\u201d response, which alerts you to danger and tells you how to react. However, if stress is triggered too often (becomes chronic,) it can lead to serious damage.
\nFortunately, there are ways that you can ease your stress levels naturally, thus reducing your risk of suffering devastating consequences. If you find that your stress levels are starting to soar, try one of these 20 natural remedies to quiet your mind and ease your soul.<\/p>\n

1. Try cognitive behavioral therapy<\/h3>\n

Cognitive-behavioral therapy, also known as CBT, is used to treat a variety of conditions, including anxiety, depression, fear and phobias, and of course, stress. CBT involves becoming mindful of your own thoughts and learning how to alter them. If you are feeling stressed, it\u2019s likely that you are going through the list of things that could potentially go awry, or other issues that you might experience. Founded on the idea that your thoughts, physical sensations, actions, and feelings are all connected, and that negative thoughts can trap you in an unhealthy cycle, CBT aims to help you change your thoughts, thereby changing your reactions. This, in turn, can help to reduce stress levels.<\/p>\n

\"\"2. Learn how to meditate<\/h3>\n

One of the most effective ways to lower stress levels is through meditation. It has been practiced for centuries and is a highly effective way to increase mindfulness and reduce stress.<\/p>\n

Meditating involves clearing your mind of all thoughts and focusing on your surroundings, including your breath and the physical sensations that your body is feeling.<\/p>\n

This action can help you detach from the things that are causing you stress, thereby helping you relax and feel more balanced.<\/p>\n

You can meditate virtually anywhere, but a quiet location that is comfortable and free of distractions is the ideal setting.<\/p>\n

\"\"3. Do some painting<\/h3>\n

Doing something that allows you to direct your nervous energy into something creative and fulfilling can be a powerful way to reduce stress levels. Painting is not only relaxing, but it also allows you to focus your thoughts on something other than the things that are causing you stress.<\/p>\n

You don\u2019t have to be an artist in your to appreciate the stress-relieving benefits that painting can offer. Simply grab some brushes, some paints, and canvas and allow yourself to create.<\/p>\n

You might find yourself completely free of stress in no time; and you might find a new healthy hobby that you love.<\/p>\n

\"\"4. Concentrate on breathing<\/h3>\n

While breathing is an involuntary action, which means everyone does it without thinking about it, you might not be breathing properly. Your breaths might be short and inconsistent, which means that you might not be expelling enough carbon dioxide and inhaling enough oxygen to cleanse your body.<\/p>\n

This can compound your stress. Try doing deep breathing exercises. While exhaling, count to 20, and do the same while inhaling. Relax your diaphragm and focus on the sensation.<\/p>\n

Your heart rate will lower and your mind will become much more relaxed.<\/p>\n

\"\"5. Take a walk<\/h3>\n

Something as simple as taking a walk could provide a tremendous amount of stress relief. Whenever you feel your stress starting to mount, head outside, and take a walk.<\/p>\n

Breathe in the fresh air, concentrate on your surroundings, and let go of the thoughts in your mind and the negative feelings that you are holding onto, both of which are contributing to your stress.<\/p>\n

Listen to the sounds of nature, your breath, or your footsteps as the hit the pavement with every step you take. Walking can not only relieve stress, but it\u2019s also great for your physical health, too.<\/p>\n

\"\"6. Do some reading<\/h3>\n

If you are looking for a simple and effective way to lower your stress levels, give reading a try. Whether it\u2019s a novel, a collection of short stories, poems, an anthology, or a magazine, reading can significantly reduce your stress. Why?<\/p>\n

\u2013 Because when you are reading, you are concentrating on something other than the thoughts that have become trapped inside your head, and the fears and uncertainties that you are holding onto; all things that are contributing to your stress.<\/p>\n

So, the next time you feel your stress levels rising, do some reading.<\/p>\n

\"\"7. Try some Tia Chi<\/h3>\n

If you find it difficult to sit still and focus, you might find meditation difficult. However, there is a way that you can take advantage of the effects of meditation while still being able to move freely. The art of Tia Chi is considered moving meditation.<\/p>\n

This practice is intended to calm your mind and strengthen your mindfulness. It involves practicing a series of slow motions and deep breathing. With each motion, you are able to focus on your body\u2019s movements, which will allow you to clear your mind of the worries and fears that are causing your stress. Another benefit of Tia Chi?<\/p>\n

\u2013 It\u2019s great for your physical health.<\/p>\n

\"\"8. Get in some exercise<\/h3>\n

If you aren\u2019t into Tia Chi because you like a little more action than other exercises could help you lower your stress levels. Kickboxing, running, weight lifting, swimming, or any other form of exercise could prove to be a powerful way to combat high-stress levels.<\/p>\n

When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which naturally boost your mood. Plus, when you exercise, you\u2019re focusing your mind on your body and your surroundings, which means that you aren\u2019t concentrating on your stressors, so your stress levels will come down.<\/p>\n

\"\"9. Get some rest<\/h3>\n

Believe it or not, your stress could be mounted as a result of a lack of rest. Sleep is vital for both your physical and mental health. When you sleep, your metabolic rate slows, which allows your body and mind to repair itself. If you aren\u2019t getting enough sleep, you are overrunning your system.<\/p>\n

This could be damaging for a number of reasons; most notably, it can increase your stress levels. When you\u2019re over-worked, you probably notice that you\u2019re extremely irritable and short on patience.<\/p>\n

When stress levels are high, give yourself a break and get some rest \u2013 or take a nap!<\/p>\n

\"\"10. Take a bath<\/h3>\n

Another easy and highly effective way to relieve stress is by taking a bath. Fill your tub up with warm water and add some essential oils, such as lavender or peppermint. Dim the lights, put on some candles, and enjoy a good, long soak.<\/p>\n

While you\u2019re soaking, try to free your mind and really experience the sensations that surround you.<\/p>\n

Feel the water, smell the air, and appreciate the calmness and tranquility that surrounds you. A 15-minute bath could do wonders for lowering your stress.<\/p>\n

\"\"11. Try sensory deprivation therapy<\/h3>\n

Though it might sound terrifying, especially if you suffer from anxiety or claustrophobia, believe it or not, sensory deprivation therapy actually does wonders for a variety of mental disorders. It helps ease anxiety and depression, and it can be highly beneficial for stress.<\/p>\n

Sensory deprivation therapy involves floating in a float tank or room, which is filled with shallow water that is highly salted and is the same temperature as your body. You are removed from all external stimulants, which allows you to focus on your mind and clear your thoughts.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s very similar to meditation and can yield incredible results.<\/p>\n

\"\"12. Listen to music<\/h3>\n

If stress is mounting, put on some tunes. Listening to relaxing music can quickly lower your stress levels. Choose low-key music, such as classical that contains stringed instruments or the piano, or opt for nature sounds.<\/p>\n

The melodies could help to lower your brain waves, which could help to lower your stress levels. Additionally, when you are listening to music, you have something else to concentrate on other than the stressors that are overwhelming you and causing you to feel stressed out.<\/p>\n

To really enjoy the stress relief that music can provide, lie down in a dark room while listening to your songs of choice.<\/p>\n

\"\"13. Laugh it off<\/h3>\n

Have you ever noticed how good you feel when you are laughing? Your mood lightens, you feel lighter, your mood boosts, and you just feel lighter.<\/p>\n

That\u2019s because your body releases endorphins when you are laughing, and these chemicals naturally make you feel happier and relieve stress.<\/p>\n

So, whenever you are feeling overly stressed, try to find some comedic relief. Go to a comedy club, watch a funny movie, read a funny book, or do anything else that will make you laugh.<\/p>\n

A good laugh can do wonders for your mind and body.<\/p>\n

\"\"14. Sip on chamomile tea<\/h3>\n

If you are feeling stressed out, brew yourself a cup of chamomile tea. Chamomile contains anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to relieve your stress levels. It actually soothes the nerves and calms your reflexes, thereby lowering stress.<\/p>\n

It also has a sedative effect, so it can calm the nervous system, too. Plus, chamomile can help to ease insomnia, allowing you to fall asleep easier, and stay asleep.<\/p>\n

When you\u2019re feeling stressed, steep some chamomile leaves in boiling water, allow it to cool to a comfortable temperature, and sip on the tea to bring your stress levels down.<\/p>\n

\"\"15. Look at green<\/h3>\n

Researchers have found that colors have profound effects on your mind. Some colors can make you feel more alert, some colors can make you feel aggressive, and some can make you feel calm. The color green has been found to have a highly calming and relaxing effect.<\/p>\n

When you see the color green, you naturally associate with nature, and nature makes you feel calm. When your stress levels are mounting, try to look for and concentrate on the color green. Look for it in your surroundings, or find a green crayon, marker or paint and do some coloring.<\/p>\n

You might be pleasantly surprised by the calming effect this color can bring.<\/p>\n

\"\"16. Spend time with loved ones<\/h3>\n

When you\u2019re highly stressed, spending time with other people might be the last thing you want to do. While you might be tempted to spend some time alone, it might actually be better for you to spend time with the people you love.<\/p>\n

When you are with other people that you feel comfortable with, you can talk about things that are stressing you out, which could help you find relief. Or, you can talk about other things, taking your mind off of your stress, thereby reducing your stress levels.<\/p>\n

You can also laugh and just enjoy some good quality time with the people you care for, which could do wonders for your mental health.<\/p>\n

\"\"17. Head to the beach<\/h3>\n

If you are fortunate enough to live near the beach, head there whenever you are feeling stressed out. Researchers have found that the saltwater, the sound of the waves, watching the waves flow in and out, and feeling the sand beneath your toes can be extremely calming.<\/p>\n

As a result, spending time at the beach can markedly bring down your stress levels. When you are feeling stressed out, grab a blanket or a chair, and plan to spend some time at the beach. Enjoy a walk on the sand, splash in the waves, and soak up the sun, too.<\/p>\n

The sun\u2019s rays are a great source of vitamin E, which can help to combat stress, too.<\/p>\n

\"\"18. Have a massage<\/h3>\n

Massages are another wonderful way to reduce your stress levels. When lactic acid builds up in your body, it can affect your body in a multitude of ways; all of those ways being negative.<\/p>\n

It makes your muscles tense, which in turn makes you feel more stressed out. It also puts pressure on your nerves and just makes you feel uncomfortable.<\/p>\n

Through massage, that lactic acid can be released, which can make you feel inherently better. Plus, experiencing someone else touching your body is quite soothing and can further lower your stress levels.<\/p>\n

\"\"19. Chew some gum<\/h3>\n

It may sound silly, but chewing gum can actually be a quick fix when your stress levels are mounting. When you chew gum, you are able to focus your energy on something else, which could help you clear your mind of the worrying thoughts that are giving rise to your stress.<\/p>\n

Chewing gum might also lower cortisol levels, which could also be beneficial for high stress. If you\u2019re prone to high stress, making sure you have a pack of gum handy isn\u2019t a bad idea.<\/p>\n

\"\"20. Ask for a hug<\/h3>\n

Hugging can do wonderful things for the body and soul. Science has found that the act of hugging helps to boost oxytocin levels, which can ease the feelings of anger, isolation, and loneliness that are often associated with stress.<\/p>\n

An extended hug can also boost serotonin levels, which can enhance your mood and make you feel happier. Hugging also boosts self-esteem, which could also help you feel less stressed.<\/p>\n

When you\u2019re feeling overwhelmed and you feel your stress rising, ask for a hug.<\/p>\n\r\n
