{"id":727,"date":"2017-10-09T07:49:43","date_gmt":"2017-10-09T07:49:43","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/veryhealthy.life\/?p=727"},"modified":"2021-07-12T18:50:15","modified_gmt":"2021-07-12T18:50:15","slug":"20-home-remedies-constipation","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/veryhealthy.life\/20-home-remedies-constipation\/","title":{"rendered":"20 Home Remedies for Constipation"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"Everyone has the urge to pass a bowel movement, but sometimes, things can get blocked up, making the urge to go unsuccessful. If you feel like you have to use the bathroom, but you can\u2019t quite get things moving, you are constipated.<\/p>\n

When you\u2019re constipated, your bowel movement becomes difficult to pass, or they happen less frequently than they normally do. Almost every person will experience constipation at one point in their lives. While the frequency of passing bowel movements varies from person to person, if you have not passed on in three days or more, it can complicate the process. The stools become harder and they become even more difficult to pass. And when you do go, it can be intensely painful.<\/p>\n

Constipation is characterized by a number of symptoms. These can include infrequent bowel movements, straining to use the bathroom, small or hard stools, feeling as if all of your stool was not evacuated, abdominal cramps, and even nausea.<\/p>\n

This condition can be caused by a number of things, including medications, changes to your diet, dehydration, and serious conditions, pregnancy, resisting the urge to pass a bowel movement, and in serious cases, colon cancer.<\/p>\n

If you are experiencing constipation, there\u2019s no doubt that you want a quick remedy to ease your discomfort. Here are 20 remedies that can help to get things going.<\/p>\n

1. Prunes<\/h3>\n

One of the best known natural remedies for constipation is dried plums or prunes<\/a>. They are high in dietary fiber, so they can help break up a hard stool and push it through the intestines and out through the rectum. Prunes also contain sorbitol, a substance that pulls in and absorbs water. As a result, they can help hard stool absorb more fluid, literally lubricating them and making them easier to pass through your system. If you are constipated, eat several prunes a day until you pass a bowel movement.<\/p>\n

\"\"2. Drink plenty of water<\/h3>\n

One of the primary causes of constipation is dehydration<\/a>. In order for your digestive tract to function normally, it needs plenty of fluid.<\/p>\n

When you are dehydrated, your digestive tract simply isn\u2019t getting enough water, which means that your stools will become hard. When that happens, they become difficult to pass, and you become constipated.<\/p>\n

In order to relieve constipation, up the amount of water that you drink. The more water you drink, the more fluid will be available for your digestive tract \u2013 and your stool.<\/p>\n

\"\"3. Eat bananas<\/h3>\n

Bananas are an excellent source of potassium, and potassium<\/a> can help to regulate your digestive system. It helps your body absorb more fluids, which means that your stool will become more diluted and will break down more easily. Plus, bananas are soft, so they are easy to digest and easy to pass.<\/p>\n

In other words, they won\u2019t contribute to constipation. If you want to ease your constipation, eat at least three bananas a day and make sure you drink plenty of water, too.<\/p>\n

\"\"4. Get more exercise<\/h3>\n

Studies have found that people who are inactive are more prone to constipation<\/a>. Basically, when you aren\u2019t active, your stool is less likely to pass through your system regularly, and you could literally become backed up.<\/p>\n

When this happens, your stools will become hard, which will make them more difficult to pass, and could make you strain to push them out.<\/p>\n

If you want to ease your constipation, increase your activity levels. You don\u2019t have to do anything strenuous; walking, swimming, or riding a bike could help to get things flowing and ease your constipation.<\/p>\n

\"\"5. Drink more coffee<\/h3>\n

Not only does coffee put a pep in your step, but it can also put the go in your stool. For many people, coffee, especially caffeinated coffee<\/a>, increases the urge to have a bowel movement. The reason? \u2013<\/p>\n

Coffee actually stimulates the muscles in the digestive system, which increases peristalsis activity, and helps to move your stool through the digestive tract, through the colon, and out through the rectum. Plus, coffee could also contain a small amount of finer, which can also help to get things going.<\/p>\n

So, try drinking some more coffee to ease your constipation.<\/p>\n

\"\"6. Eat probiotic yogurt<\/h3>\n

Probiotics<\/a> are touted for their ability to increase the health of your gut. That\u2019s why eating probiotic yogurt can help to ease constipation and make it easier to pass a bowel movement. Individuals who suffer from chronic constipation usually have an impact on healthy bacteria in their gut.<\/p>\n

Probiotics are healthy bacteria, so by their very nature, they can help you use the bathroom with greater ease. Plus, they can help to produce more lactic acid, as well as short-chain fatty acids, which can also improve movement in the gut, which will make it easier for your stool to pass.<\/p>\n

\"\"7. Take probiotic supplements<\/h3>\n

If you don\u2019t enjoy the taste of yogurt, you can swap it for a probiotic supplement. There are several types available over the counter at health and wellness stores.<\/p>\n

Simply taking one supplement daily will replenish the good bacteria<\/a> in your gut, helping to get your digestive tract going, and making it easier to pass your stool, thus relieving constipation.<\/p>\n

In addition to taking a supplement, make sure you drink plenty of fluids and try eating other foods, such as prunes and bananas, to help get things going even faster.<\/p>\n

\"\"8. Give low-FODMAP diet a try<\/h3>\n

If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome<\/a>, you not only have the urge to go to the bathroom more often, but you can also have the urge to go less often. If that\u2019s the case, a low-FODMAP diet may be able to provide you with the relief that you seek.<\/p>\n

The acronym FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. The diet involves eliminated foods that contain these eliminates for a short period.<\/p>\n

It can prove to be an effective way to ease your constipation.<\/p>\n

\"\"9. Take a glucomannan supplement<\/h3>\n

A type of soluble fiber, glucomannan<\/a> has been found to be an effective remedy for constipation.<\/p>\n

In one research study, it was found that people who took glucomannan experienced almost immediate relief from their constipation.<\/p>\n

This soluble fiber can help to regulate the digestive tract, making your bowel movements easier to pass. It does this by replenishing your gut with good bacteria that aid with digestion.<\/p>\n

If you are suffering from constipation, try adding a glucomannan supplement to your diet.<\/p>\n

\"\"10. Give magnesium citrate a try<\/h3>\n

Another common natural remedy for constipation is magnesium<\/a> citrate. It\u2019s a form of an osmotic laxative, which is available to purchase over the counter. By taking moderate amounts of magnesium citrate, you might find relief for your constipation.<\/p>\n

It helps to regulate the digestive system and helps move processed food (stool) through the intestines and out of the body through the rectum. Many people have reported fast results for their constipation after taking a magnesium citrate supplement.<\/p>\n

\"\"11. Avoid consuming dairy<\/h3>\n

Though dairy contains calcium and other vital vitamins and minerals that are important for your health, too much of it isn\u2019t always a good thing. Dairy<\/a> can be binding, especially if you have a dairy intolerance. Why? \u2013 Dairy can affect the movements of the gut, which can prevent stool from passing through, making it more difficult to have a bowel movement.<\/p>\n

If you find that you are suffering from bouts of constipation after consuming dairy, you could be suffering from lactose intolerance. Try cutting it out of your diet to see if you find some relief.<\/p>\n

\"\"12. Give valerian root a shot<\/h3>\n

Another natural remedy for constipation that could prove to be effective is valerian root<\/a>. This root is considered an herbal remedy and it is often used as a sleep aid.<\/p>\n

However, valerian root can also be a great way to soothe the effects of constipation. Why? \u2013 Because it encourages the muscles in your body to relax, including the muscles in your digestive tract. Often, constipation is a result of heightened stress, which can cause constrict your muscles.<\/p>\n

Valerian root may be able to help ease those constricted muscles, making it easier to pass a bowel movement.<\/p>\n

\"\"13. Try a hot compress<\/h3>\n

Believe it or not, something as simple as a hot compress could help to get things going when you are backed up. The heat from the compress can help to break up your stool, making it easier to pass through your system and pass stool.<\/p>\n

Plus, a hot compress can also help to ease the cramps<\/a> that are often associated with constipation, which is also a welcomed relief. You can try applying heating bad to your abdomen, or you can soak a clean cloth in water, heat it in the microwave for one minute and place it over your belly.<\/p>\n

Make sure that the compress isn\u2019t too hot so you avoid burning yourself.<\/p>\n

\"\"14. Schedule some relaxation<\/h3>\n

We live in a fast-paced, hectic, and stressful world. When things become too hectic and stressful, you can actually end up getting constipated. The reason? \u2013 When you\u2019re stressed, your muscles become tense, including the muscles<\/a> in your digestive tract.<\/p>\n

As a result, your stool doesn\u2019t move through your system as efficiently as it should, and you can end up getting back up. Getting some relaxation could help get things moving.<\/p>\n

Schedule some time for something that you find relaxing, like a massage. It could do wonders, and not just for constipation.<\/p>\n

\"\"15. Take a warm bath<\/h3>\n

A warm bath<\/a> is another way that you might be able to find some relief if you are constipated. As a hot compress can help to soften the stool in your digestive tract, and like relaxing can help to loosen tense muscles, a bath can also have the same effect on constipation.<\/p>\n

Additionally, a bath can help to soothe your mind, which might ease any psychological effect that could be preventing you from using the bathroom. So, fill up your tub with warm water, add some essential oils, and try soaking to cure your constipation.<\/p>\n

\"\"16. Eat more olive oil<\/h3>\n

Oil, as you might have guessed, is quite lubricating. It can actually help to lubricate your stools, making it easier for them to push through your digestive system and out through your rectum. Try adding more olive oil<\/a> to your diet if you are constipated.<\/p>\n

You can mix it in with pasta or use it to make salad dressings, for example. Cold-pressed, organic olive oil will yield the best results, and is also the healthiest variety for you, too.<\/p>\n

By adding more olive oil to your diet, your constipation should be eased in no time.<\/p>\n

\"\"17. Drink some green tea<\/h3>\n

If you aren\u2019t a fan of coffee, green tea could be an alternative to treating constipation. Green tea<\/a> is high in caffeine, which, like coffee, can help your stools pass more easily when you are constipated. Plus, high-quality green tea also contains l-theanine, a compound that promotes relaxation.<\/p>\n

As stated already, stress can cause your muscles to contract, which can compound constipation. So, if you\u2019re having difficulty going, brew yourself a cup of green tea to try and get some relief for your constipation.<\/p>\n

\"\"18. Drink coconut water<\/h3>\n

Not only is drinking plain old H20 good for you when you are constipated but drinking coconut water is, too. The water from this fruit is touted for offering a variety of health benefits.<\/p>\n

In regard to constipation, it contains electrolytes<\/a>, which are important when you\u2019re dehydrated, as your body loses a tremendous amount of them. Not only can coconut water help to hydrate you and soothe your constipation, but it can also improve the function of your brain, your nerves, and boost your energy levels, too.<\/p>\n

\"\"19. Eat some pineapple<\/h3>\n

Another food that could help to relieve constipation is pineapple<\/a>. This fruit is full of fiber and roughage, which will help push stool through your system and make it easier to pass.<\/p>\n

Pineapple is also a great source of bromelain, a digestive enzyme that assists with the breakdown of food. Lastly, pineapple is full of liquid, so it can be hydrating, too.<\/p>\n

If you want to ease your constipation and you are looking for a tasty way to get some relief, give pineapple a try. You can either eat the fruit, or you can try drinking some pineapple juice, or, you could use both.<\/p>\n

\"\"20. Apple cider vinegar may provide relief<\/h3>\n

Apple cider vinegar, particularly varieties that contain mother and are organic, have been found to offer a number of health benefits, including curing constipation.<\/p>\n

Apple cider vinegar<\/a> is full of enzymes that can help to aid with digestion and activate movement in the digestive tract. Not only does it help to break up food, but it helps to push it through your system, too. Plus, apple cider vinegar is an excellent source of good bacteria that is beneficial for your health.<\/p>\n

Try mixing \u00bc teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into a cup of cool water and drink it down for some relief for your constipation.<\/p>\n

If you are suffering from constipation, one, or a combination of several, of these natural remedies, should provide you with the relief that you seek and help get things going.<\/p>\n\r\n
