{"id":433,"date":"2017-08-09T05:18:04","date_gmt":"2017-08-09T05:18:04","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/veryhealthy.life\/?p=433"},"modified":"2021-07-09T17:58:59","modified_gmt":"2021-07-09T17:58:59","slug":"11-common-signs-gout","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/veryhealthy.life\/11-common-signs-gout\/","title":{"rendered":"11 Common Signs of Gout"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"Have you been experiencing a sudden onset of pain in your big toe? Is that pain also accompanied by swelling? Did these symptoms develop after you have been sick or sustained an injury? If so, it could be a sign of gout.<\/p>\n

A form of inflammatory arthritis, gout is a generalized term that describes a buildup of uric acid in the blood. A chemical that is naturally produced to help the body break down foods that contain organic compounds known as purines, uric acid is vital to your overall health. Normally, your body produces uric acid to aid in the breakdown of purines. Once the purines are broken down, they and the uric acid are both cleansed out of the blood by the kidneys with urine. If conditions change, however, and there are high levels of uric acid, it can buildup in the body. Over time, this build-up of uric acid will turn into urate crystals, which can collect around the soft tissues and joints, which can develop into inflammation or gout.<\/p>\n

An estimated 4 percent of adults in the United States are afflicted with gout, which may seem like a small number, but it translated to approximately 8 million people. Men are more likely to develop the condition, and it also appears to hereditary, which means that if someone in your family has gout, you are at a greater risk for developing it yourself. Those who consume a large number of foods that are high in purines, and those who have other health conditions, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes, are also an increased risk for developing this inflammatory condition. Additionally, people who drink more than two alcoholic drinks a day or consume a lot of soda, are obese, who are taking diuretic medications, or have undergone gastric bypass surgery are also at risk.<\/p>\n

While got usually affects the feet, it can also affect other parts of the body. How can you tell if you have gout? The best way is to understand the symptoms that are associated with the condition. Here\u2019s a look at some of the most common signs of gout.<\/p>\n

1. Pain in the big toe<\/h3>\n

One of the first and most noticeable signs of gout is the development of pain in the big toe. Medically referred to as podagra, this symptom is usually what sparks a diagnosis of gout. Since gout is caused by excessive production of uric acid, which commonly collects in the big toe, it is not unusual for pain to affect the area. When excessive amounts of uric acid<\/a> are in the blood, it is known as hyperuricemia, and it causes a significant amount of pain in the big toe. In fact, the pain is often so severe that it may be impossible for someone to walk. It can take a few hours or a few days for the pain to subside.<\/p>\n

\"\"2. Tenderness<\/h3>\n

Another common sign of gout is tenderness<\/a>. This symptom often develops after the initial pain of the gout attack has subsided. The tenderness is often long-lasting and it affects the joint of the big toe, or whatever another joint that the uric acid has built up in. This symptom can be experienced directly at the site of the affected joint, or it can radiate and reverberate from the joint and out through the entire body.<\/p>\n

If only one of your big toes is affected by gout, there is a chance that you will also experience tenderness in the entire food of the affected toe. This tenderness can affect your ability to walk, making you limp or hobble. It can also extend all the way up to and beyond your knee. The tenderness can last for several weeks, and it may be difficult to walk or stand while your body is trying to heal itself.<\/p>\n

\"\"3. Swelling<\/h3>\n

Swelling<\/a> is yet another common side effect that those who are affected by gout experience. This swelling usually affects the big toe, which is the joint that is primarily affected by the condition. Gout is a condition that arises as a result of an excessive buildup of uric acid in the bloodstream.<\/p>\n

When this happens, the uric acid tends to accumulate in the joints (usually the big toe) and the area surrounding the affected joint can become very swollen. The swelling can occur on one or both sides of the joint, and it can also extend past the big toe and out into the foot. In extreme cases, the swelling caused by gout can travel all the way up the calf and shin, to the knee and beyond.<\/p>\n

The entire leg of the foot that is affected by gout can become inflamed red, and very painful. It may become so severe, in fact, that even placing the slightest amount of pressure on the swollen area can cause a significant amount of pain. However, you may be able to get some relief by applying a cold compress onto the swollen area.<\/p>\n

\"\"4. The onset of sudden pain<\/h3>\n

If you have gout<\/a>, you may experience the onset of sudden and severe pain. The pain is usually felt in the toe that is affected by the buildup of uric acid, but it can also affect all of the toes, the entire foot, the legs, and even the lower extremities. In severe cases, the sudden onset of pain can be felt throughout the entire body. You might go for long periods of time without feeling any pain, but then find yourself suddenly paralyzed by sudden and excruciating pain.<\/p>\n

Standing and walking for a prolonged period of time will be out of the question when this happens. In fact, you might even experience pain when people walk past you as a result of the vibrations that their movements send out through the floor. The only way to ease this type of pain and discomfort is to take get rest and to take prescription medications. Applying cold compresses to the area can also help to ease the pain.<\/p>\n

\"\"5. Increased pain at night<\/h3>\n

Those who suffer from gout often experience an increased amount of pain at night. Many people who have gout report that they feel fine during the day, but they may wake up in the middle of the night as a result of the onset of excruciating pain in the joints<\/a> that are affected by the buildup of uric acid.<\/p>\n

When pain is experienced at night, it can be difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. If you share the bed with someone else, even the slightest contact with that person could cause a significant amount of pain. The weight of your sheets may even cause a significant amount of pain. Simply lying in your bed may even cause severe pain.<\/p>\n

\"\"6. Redness<\/h3>\n

When you develop swelling or inflammation in a joint (which is what happens when you have gout,) it is not uncommon to develop a red tinge to the skin. The skin may also become very bloated. The redness<\/a> can also appear in lines that radiate out from the affected joint and can resemble an infection underneath the skin.<\/p>\n

In locations that develop acute gout pain, such as the big toes or feet, the skin surrounding the affected area could even turn a purplish color. If this happens to you, take some time to recovery. Stay off your feet as much as possible, apply cold compresses and ice, and elevate the affected area. You also want to make sure that you remain hydrated in order to aid in diluting the concentration of uric acid so that it can be flushed out of the body.<\/p>\n

\"\"7. Kidney stones<\/h3>\n

On its own, gout can be an extremely painful condition; however, it can also lead to other conditions that are just as, if not more, painful, such as kidney stones. The excessive buildup of uric acid that is caused by gout not only collects in the joints, but it also collects in the urinary tract, which could lead to the development of kidney stones<\/a>.<\/p>\n

When uric acid collects in the urinary tract, it forms kidney stones. The symptoms of kidney stones include the development of severe pain in the abdominal area, as well as possible blood-tinged urine and back pain. In the most severe cases, the pain that is caused by kidney stones can cause nausea and vomiting.<\/p>\n

\"\"8. Collection of uric acid throughout the body<\/h3>\n

In most people who suffer from gout, the excessive buildup of uric acid accumulates around the joint of the big toe; however, when the uric acid collection is severe, it can affect other parts of the body, too. For example, it can also collect in the joints that surround the fingers, the ankles<\/a>, the elbows, and the hands.<\/p>\n

Hard nodules could also develop as a result of the excessive uric acid buildup, and those nodules can be felt throughout the body, including the ear lobes and ankles. This buildup of uric acid throughout the body is known as tophi. A biopsy of the nodules will reveal whether or not they contain uric acid, which will determine if they are caused by gout.<\/p>\n

\"\"\"\"9. A fever<\/h3>\n

In people who suffer from gout, a fever<\/a> is not an uncommon side effect to experience. Though gout usually begins in a centralized area, such as the big toe, it often spread out to various areas throughout the body.<\/p>\n

This condition can turn into polyarticular gout, which is often associated with fever. The fever usually begins as low-grade. A fever may also be accompanied by nausea, chills, fatigue, and other symptoms that are similar to the flu.<\/p>\n

\"\"10. Peeling skin<\/h3>\n

Since the buildup of uric acid that is caused by gout tends to cause swelling<\/a> in the skin, it is not uncommon for those who suffer from the condition to experience peeling skin. As the skin swells and stretches out, the skin can become so expanded that it becomes dry, itchy, flaky.<\/p>\n

In the most severe cases, if the swelling becomes exaggerated enough, tears in the skin may actually develop, which can cause peeling, cracking, and possibly even bleeding. If you do experience bleeding in the skin at the affected site, you want to make sure that you keep your skin as clean as possible in order to avoid an infection. If an infection develops, your gout will only be compromised, and you will end up being in even more pain.<\/p>\n

\"\"11. Limited range of motion<\/h3>\n

Gout can reduce your range of motion, as a result of the swelling that the buildup of uric acid causes. You might not be able to move as freely as you usually do, or your range of motion may be so limited that even walking a few steps could be a severe problem.<\/p>\n

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, there is a very good chance that you could be suffering from gout. It is in your best interest to seek the assistance of a medical professional. Your doctor will be able to perform tests and determine whether or not you definitely have gout. If it is determined that you do have gout, a doctor will also be able to provide you with medications<\/a> as well as offer any input that may help speed up the healing time and prevent the onset of the condition again. If you experience a fever and chills, or if the pain and swelling are hot to the touch, you should seek medical assistance immediately.<\/p>\n

Gout isn\u2019t necessarily a serious condition; however, the pain and other symptoms that are associated with it can be quite uncomfortable and limit your mobility. In order to prevent the development of gout, you want to make sure that you limit the number of purines you consume, especially if gout tends to run in your family. A diagnosis of gout isn\u2019t the end of the world, but your doctor will be able to provide you with the best advice.<\/p>\n\r\n
