{"id":1700,"date":"2018-12-26T07:43:24","date_gmt":"2018-12-26T07:43:24","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/veryhealthy.life\/?p=1700"},"modified":"2021-07-15T16:40:41","modified_gmt":"2021-07-15T16:40:41","slug":"10-alarming-fatty-liver-symptoms","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/veryhealthy.life\/10-alarming-fatty-liver-symptoms\/","title":{"rendered":"10 Alarming Fatty Liver Symptoms"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"The liver is a very important organ in the body. It helps regulate many of the body\u2019s functions and purifies the bloodstream. For this reason, it is important to take care of your liver. In addition, if something goes wrong with the liver, a lot of different issues may develop throughout the body.<\/p>\n

Fatty liver is a disease that can develop in almost anyone. It is not known why some people develop fatty liver while others do not. However, some of the reasons a person may develop fatty liver include poor eating habits, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, smoking, and other vices.<\/p>\n

As the name suggests, fatty liver is caused when there is an excessive amount of fat in the body. All of this extra fat needs to be stored somewhere, so the body sends all of the irregular contents to the liver. This regulating organ is in the body for a reason. When it becomes surrounded by fat, it can develop its own disease, which may be difficult to detect. Those who have the fatty liver disease may experience a number of different symptoms. Here are 10 symptoms of fatty liver disease that you may experience and should be aware of.<\/p>\n

1. Dark Urine<\/h3>\n

One of the best ways to know that something may be wrong with your liver<\/a> is to watch your urine. If your urine has a darker hue than normal it could mean that there is something wrong in the body.<\/p>\n

Not drinking enough water and being dehydrated can lead to urine that is darker as well. However, if there is an issue with the liver, look for darker urine during your first urination of the day. This is the urine that has accumulated while you slept. If it is dark and smells strong, it is a sign that bacterium, which is typically taken care of by the liver, has passed into your urine.<\/p>\n

\"\"2. Jaundice<\/h3>\n

One of the most troubling signs of a liver condition is jaundice<\/a>. Jaundice is the medical term used to describe the color of the skin. When there is a reduction in the bile secretion, the skin and the whites of the eyes may become yellow in color.<\/p>\n

As fat begins to surround the liver, the ducts of the liver become obstructed, which makes it more difficult for the liver to perform its functions. This results in chemicals running throughout the body without any control. The toxins can then affect the skin by altering the color of it, resulting in jaundice.<\/p>\n

\"\"3. Fatigue<\/h3>\n

You may not think that feeling tired all the time has anything to do with the liver. However, when any part of the body starts to malfunction, such as the liver, the brain tries to fix it by giving that area of the body more energy and food.<\/p>\n

This means that a larger portion of oxygen<\/a> and other important chemicals flow to the area of the body where there is an issue, which results in fewer of these nutrients going to other areas of the body. This can cause you to feel extremely tired all the time, even when we are getting enough sleep.<\/p>\n

If you are feeling extremely fatigued all the time, there are a number of different causes and you should definitely discuss this symptom with your doctor.<\/p>\n

\"\"4. Obesity<\/h3>\n

Fatty liver does not cause a person to become obese<\/a>. However, if you are not currently overweight and develop fatty liver, the disease will attempt to make up for a diminishing blood supply by attempting to ingest more fat.<\/p>\n

You may feel hungry more often and food becomes a haven. One of the biggest issues for people who have fatty liver is the fact that most people will make the condition worse by eating poorly and attempting to feel less of the presence of the disease within them.<\/p>\n

\"\"5. Cirrhosis<\/h3>\n

Scarring of the liver is known as cirrhosis. This is the result of long term self-destruction that will eventually lead to the liver becoming useless within the body. Once this occurs, the liver fails and the result is a much more difficult life.<\/p>\n

Cirrhosis<\/a> occurs as the liver tissue becomes scarred. This occurs mostly because of the unwanted presence of the fatty cells. Too many fatty cells lead to more scarring and in return, the liver eventually will shut down.<\/p>\n

\"\"6 Abdominal Pain<\/h3>\n

A person who is developing fatty liver or liver disease may find that they have pain from time to time in the upper or middle area of the stomach<\/a>. This is the response of the body of something not being quite right.<\/p>\n

Most people tend to disregard this symptom as it typically does not last long and is easy to simply write off. However, pain in the abdomen should not be ignored as it could be the sign of something being seriously wrong, such as fatty liver disease. It is important to discuss any type of abdominal pain that you may experience with your doctor as soon as possible.<\/p>\n

\"\"7. Muscle Wasting<\/h3>\n

A person who has the fatty liver disease for a long period of time may start to experience sudden twitching episodes. These will often occur in the hands. The reason for these episodes is that there is a lack of nurturing materials reaching the tendons and muscles to help them function properly.<\/p>\n

In order for these body parts to receive proper nutrition, the liver needs to break down enzymes<\/a> from healthy substances. When the liver is not functioning at full capacity, this rarely happens. This results in the liver facing difficulties along with the rest of the body.<\/p>\n

\"\"8. Weight Loss<\/h3>\n

When a person develops fatty liver or liver disease, the body starts to do whatever it can to help stop the destruction of the liver. The amount of energy that the body uses along with the calories it burns to feed the immune system, combined with a weakening liver, can all lead to a person not being able to gain weight.<\/p>\n

If you have suddenly experienced inexplicable weight loss<\/a>, without making a change to your diet or exercise routine, it could be a sign of advanced fatty liver and you need to discuss your symptoms with your doctor.<\/p>\n

\"\"9. Fluid Retention<\/h3>\n

When the liver is not functioning properly it becomes more difficult for the body to move vital fluids around. This means that the fluids will be dragged through the body using sheer gravity. This is one of the reasons that people who have the fatty liver disease will notice swelling<\/a> in their wrists, hands, feet, legs, and stomach.<\/p>\n

Since damage to the liver is often caused by alcohol, bloating in the stomach area may not be caused by fluid retention, but fluid retention definitely affects the other areas of the body.<\/p>\n

\"\"10. Swollen Glands<\/h3>\n

The glands that are located on the side of the neck are activated when any illness is present. If they have been running and swollen for a long period of time, it is an indication that there is something wrong.<\/p>\n

There is no situation that occurs where these glands are engorged for long periods of time without a good reason. Swollen glands in the neck almost always indicate that something is very wrong. Fatty liver<\/a> disease may cause the glands to swell and is a serious issue that needs to be treated as soon as possible.<\/p>\n\r\n
