{"id":1672,"date":"2018-12-26T06:14:03","date_gmt":"2018-12-26T06:14:03","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/veryhealthy.life\/?p=1672"},"modified":"2021-07-15T16:33:08","modified_gmt":"2021-07-15T16:33:08","slug":"20-sugar-substitutes-for-a-healthy-lifestyle","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/veryhealthy.life\/20-sugar-substitutes-for-a-healthy-lifestyle\/","title":{"rendered":"20 Sugar Substitutes for a Healthy Lifestyle"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"Sugar is everywhere. It is in our drinks, it is in our sweets and desserts and it is in a host of other foods \u2013 even things like fruits that are meant to be good for us!<\/p>\n

And sugar is delicious. It is sweet, comforting, and packed with energy. After a long, hard day, a little sugar can help to pick us up and make us feel better. Not only that but getting sugar from bread and other carbs can give us the energy to keep going and to not tire out. It prevents fatigue and headaches and many of us have adapted to be highly dependent on it.<\/p>\n

To bad then that sugar is also very bad for us and is in fact responsible for a ton of negative health effects.<\/p>\n

Did you know that sugar is highly addictive and can actually encourage other addictive behavior? I\u2019m sure you\u2019re aware of how bad it can be for our teeth (due to the fact that it fuels the bacteria that cause plaque). And you probably know that sugar spikes your insulin and can lead to poor insulin sensitivity and eventually diabetes\u2026<\/p>\n

So what do you do? The answer might just be to switch to a sugar alternative. There are plenty of substitutes out there and some of them are actually packed with health benefits. Others aren\u2019t so good\u2026 so let\u2019s dive in and see which are the best for you and which you should avoid!<\/p>\n

1. Sucrose<\/h3>\n

Sucrose is actually a form of sugar, specifically, it is the \u2018table sugar\u2019 kind that you find in most of your food or that you might have been added. If you find sucrose for sale, don\u2019t be fooled! This is just plain old sugar. But it\u2019s good to understand the different kinds so that you are at least aware of this.<\/p>\n

The problem with sucrose is of course that it is completely free from nutritional value and is also the kind of sugar that gets most rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream<\/a>. That means it\u2019s also the kind that will cause a flood of insulin and trigger lots of fat storage and a feeling of lethargy straight after.<\/p>\n

\"\"2. Honey<\/h3>\n

Honey<\/a> contains sugar, or more precisely it contains fructose and sucrose. However, this is a considerably healthier form of sugar than the white or brown sugar you currently spoon into your tea and coffee.<\/p>\n

Honey comes with a ton of beneficial nutrients and this means you at least won\u2019t be consuming \u2018empty calories\u2019. Honey is also a fantastic form of energy that can help you to feel good all day, thanks to the inclusion of both sucrose and fructose. On top of all that, honey is thought by many to be a very potent sleeping aid!<\/p>\n

It\u2019s only slightly better then as it does contain sucrose, but if you add honey instead, you\u2019ll at least get some positives too!<\/p>\n

\"\"3. Acesulfame potassium<\/h3>\n

This is one of the early artificial sweeteners, first introduced in 1988. No serious problems have been noted during this time, meaning that you can be sure at least that it\u2019s not going to do anything seriously bad to your system! But that said, there also haven\u2019t been that many studies conducted. In fact, in 1996, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) suggested that more studies need to be conducted.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s also true that acesulfame is nonnutritive, meaning you won\u2019t get any benefits from it. It\u2019s just a calorie<\/a>-free alternative.<\/p>\n

\"\"4. Complex Carbs<\/h3>\n

Of course, the number one reason we crave carbs is that our blood sugar<\/a> is low, and our bodies want us to replenish it. Thus, we turn to simple carbs like chocolate and cake for a quick fix and to boost our energy levels. The solution? To make sure you aren’t trying to eliminate carbs from your diet, but rather think about the kind of carbs you are eating and thus manage your sugar levels better.<\/p>\n

For instance, then, one way to stop yourself having cravings is to eat a healthy breakfast of complex carbs which will release sugar more steadily throughout the day. Do this and you will have a more constant supply of blood sugar so that you don’t get the urge to get an instant hit. This way you\u2019re still getting sugar, but you\u2019re replacing the need to add spoonfuls to everything you eat!<\/p>\n

\"\"5. Agave Nectar<\/h3>\n

Agave nectar is produced by the agave cactus. It has a taste and a consistency that is similar to honey but doesn\u2019t have quite the nutritional value (not as many antioxidants). The good news is that it is actually sweeter tasting than sugar and contains more fructose than table sugar!<\/p>\n

That means that it is less likely to spike the blood sugar but some studies suggest it might risk reducing the metabolism and causing insulin<\/a> sensitivity.<\/p>\n

If you decide to go ahead anyway, the aim is to use very small amounts only to get the same benefits!<\/p>\n

\"\"6. Aspartame<\/h3>\n

Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that has been extensively studied. This is good news to start with!<\/p>\n

Ever since aspartame was approved by the FDA in 1981, it has been accused of causing everything from cancer to weight gain<\/a>. The studies have failed to back this up, though the CSPI gives it the lowest rating of all these food additives.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s generally safer to avoid this one until it is proven innocent!<\/p>\n

\"\"7. High-Fructose Corn Syrup<\/h3>\n

This is another controversial sweetener which is created by the fructose and glucose<\/a> that is created from processed corn syrup. The big appeal for many is that this is a very cheap product -cheaper than sucrose even \u2013 and it gives products longer shelf life.<\/p>\n

As such, this additive is a favorite among food manufacturers but shouldn\u2019t be a favorite among consumers. Several studies have found a link between HFCS and obesity, though others suggest it\u2019s no worse. It\u2019s certainly not better though, so it\u2019s another to avoid.<\/p>\n

\"\"8. A Funny Movie<\/h3>\n

I want you to get used to the idea that substituting sugar is a lifestyle<\/a> choice, not just a food one!<\/p>\n

Sugar is so addictive not only because of the taste but also because of how it makes you feel. It releases serotonin and makes you feel good. If you\u2019re depressed and sad then, you need a substitute way to cheer up.<\/p>\n

If you are very upset or stressed then this too can cause us to feel tired and drained which again makes us turn to carbs for comfort. At the same time, you might also eat to get that dopamine rush that makes us feel better and some psychologists even suggest we sometimes over-eat as a ‘substitute for love’.<\/p>\n

If you suspect your psychology is making it harder for you to pack in the carbs, then you should look into using a funny movie, or time with friends, to remove the need for sugar!<\/p>\n

\"\"9. Neotame<\/h3>\n

This is a product that is found in a number of drinks, dairy<\/a> products, frozen desserts, juices, puddings, and more. It\u2019s also one of the newest artificial sweeteners, having been given the go-ahead in 2002.<\/p>\n

This substance is an incredible 7,000-13,000 times sweeter than table sugar. It comes from the same company that makes aspartame. Again, this isn\u2019t a healthy substitute, just one to be aware of.<\/p>\n

\"\"10. Sleep<\/h3>\n

When we are generally tired our body will look to increase energy<\/a> levels and one way it can do this is by getting sugar. This is why we crave ‘comfort foods’ which are generally anything soft and sweet.<\/p>\n

If you are constantly worn out then this will cause you to want more sugary snacks so you need to try and avoid a lifestyle that makes you this tired by getting more quality sleep and by giving yourself the occasional break from the constant rush and grind of modern life.<\/p>\n

\"\"11. Stevia<\/h3>\n

Stevia<\/a> is one of the most popular options of all sweeteners and is a natural, tasty, and relatively healthy option by all accounts \u2013 though you should sill always proceed with caution. This is made mainly from sucralose and has been on the market for 16 years. It is made from a type of sugar then but is actually calorie-free.<\/p>\n

It has even been shown in some studies to block inflammation, tumors, and certain pathogens.<\/p>\n

\"\"12. Vanilla<\/h3>\n

Vanilla<\/a> is a naturally occurring flavoring that is derived from orchids of the genus vanilla. This is a Mexican flat-leaved plant that is naturally sweet to taste. It also comes with numerous health benefits and many people find the taste very pleasant \u2013 hence the popularity of vanilla ice creams, milkshakes, and other products.<\/p>\n

Vanilla does contain calories and sugar but it is a gentler option than pure table sugar that also has some nutritional value. It has even been shown to be beneficial for the teeth!<\/p>\n

\"\"13. Other Brands of Sweetener<\/h3>\n

There are countless over-the-counter sweeteners you can purchase which will include a variety of these ingredients in varying different quantities and qualities. For instance, NutraSweet is a product that is actually made using Aspartame<\/a> \u2013 the highly controversial sweetener. This is why it\u2019s always important to read the label on the back!<\/p>\n

\"\"14. Stevia Leaf Extract<\/h3>\n

Stevia leaf extract is a type of stevia and is also sometimes referred to as rebiana. The crude extracts are not approved by the FDA<\/a> but rebiana is and this is considered one of the safest options on the market \u2013 just like other forms of stevia. Still, though, proceed with caution.<\/p>\n

\"\"15. Sucralose<\/h3>\n

Sucralose has DDA approval but some studies suggest that it can negatively impact the immune system. It is found in many fruit drinks and in a lot of canned fruits but it is probably worse than sticking with the regular sucrose and fructose you\u2019d find in natural juice drinks.<\/p>\n

Worried about that kind of sugar? Then consider switching to a vegetable smoothie<\/a> instead. This will contain many of the same health benefits and tons of vitamins and minerals \u2013 but it won\u2019t hit you with lots of artificial, harmful sweeteners.<\/p>\n

\"\"16. Saccharin<\/h3>\n

Saccharin is one of the worst sugar substitutes out there and another to avoid. A link has been found between saccharin and bladder cancer and now all products selling it needs to bear a label. In short, this is another situation where you\u2019d actually be much better off consuming the regular kind of sugar!<\/p>\n

The key once again is to read carefully when consuming anything that says it is \u2018sugar-free\u2019. While it\u2019s true that these drinks and snacks often don\u2019t contain sugar or calories<\/a>, they can still be harmful in a range of other ways, as this list has shown.<\/p>\n

\"\"17. Vitamin D<\/h3>\n

Another great lifestyle choice you can make if you want to feel healthier, more energetic, and less dependent on sugar, is to spend more time outdoors. This will encourage the body to produce more vitamin D<\/a>, which isn\u2019t so much a vitamin as it is a \u2018prohormone\u2019. That means that it is able to regulate the release of other hormones and thereby help control things like mood, appetite, and energy levels.<\/p>\n

\"\"18. Dates<\/h3>\n

Dates<\/a> are a fruit that contains small amounts of fructose and sucrose but which can also be fantastic at adding a gentle amount of sweetness to your food. They\u2019re also highly nutritious, containing natural fibers and a range of vitamins and minerals. In short, they are among the very best options when making a cake or a healthy cereal bar and they release their energy slowly.<\/p>\n

\"\"19. MCT Oil<\/h3>\n

Another option when trying to avoid sugar is to consume more fat. This is the basis of the ketogenic diet<\/a> and it\u2019s one of the best things you can do to start living and eating more healthily. And of all the fats you can switch to, MCT oil (medium-chain triglycerides) is among the best.<\/p>\n

That\u2019s because this type of fat goes straight to the liver where it causes the production of ketones \u2013 the alternative energy source that the brain likes more than glucose in some cases!<\/p>\n

\"\"20. Cinnamon<\/h3>\n

The number one alternative to sugar by far should be considered cinnamon<\/a>. This is a delicious, sweet spice that \u2013 unlike other sugar alternatives \u2013 will actually lower your blood sugar level.<\/p>\n

It tastes great added to tea or coffee and can likewise be added to cooking. It is full of antioxidants and even boosts healthy cholesterol! Oh, and it increases insulin resistance too!<\/p>\n\r\n
