{"id":141,"date":"2017-07-13T08:04:39","date_gmt":"2017-07-13T08:04:39","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/veryhealthy.life\/?p=141"},"modified":"2021-07-09T13:43:48","modified_gmt":"2021-07-09T13:43:48","slug":"15-remedies-treat-vertigo","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/veryhealthy.life\/15-remedies-treat-vertigo\/","title":{"rendered":"15 Remedies to Treat Vertigo"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"If you have ever experienced real vertigo, then you\u2019ll know it\u2019s no laughing matter. Not only can this make you feel very unsettled on your feet and potentially put you at risk of falling, but it can also make you feel sick and nauseous. In some cases, it might even trigger actual bouts of vomiting.<\/p>\n

The reason for this is that vertigo can confuse the body. When the alignment of the input coming from the ears doesn\u2019t line up with the input coming from the eyes this tells the body: something is wrong. It then suspects poison and thus you can find yourself feeling sick.<\/p>\n

You know when the room spins because you\u2019ve had too much alcohol? That\u2019s what your body thinks is happening and thus you feel unwell as well as unsteady.<\/p>\n

So where does this come from, to begin with? There are actually a number of different causes for vertigo but generally, it\u2019s to do with that \u2018mixed input\u2019. Normally, the body relies on data from multiple senses in order to suggest its orientation, etc. This includes information from the eyes which might help you to find the horizon, for instance, information from your body which can sense gravity and which gives you a connection with the ground and it means the ears which are what provides us with our sense of \u2018equilibrioception\u2019. Equilibrioception is handled specifically by the fluids that move inside the ear.<\/p>\n

When the fluid sits at the bottom of the canal and doesn\u2019t move, the brain can infer that we are the right way up and still. Thus, thin hair cells are used to detect the movement of fluid and this helps us to know which way up we are.<\/p>\n

So, vertigo is caused when an incorrect signal is coming from somewhere. These 15 remedies to treat vertigo can help you to find the cause and address it.<\/p>\n

1. \u00a0The Epley Manoeuver<\/h3>\n

The Epley Maneuver involves moving the head in a very specific way to treat a specific type of vertigo<\/a> called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (AKA BPPV). This form of vertigo is the result of small calcium crystals that may have become loose in the middle ear. As this move, they then send incorrect information through their interaction with the hairs inside the ears.<\/p>\n

The Epley Maneuver aims to fix this and involves sitting on the edge of the bed, turning your head 45 degrees toward the problem ear, and then quickly lying down onto a pillow turning the head to face upward. You wait thirty seconds as vertigo subsides, turn your head 90 degrees and wait 30 more seconds. Finally, turn to look at the floor and then slowly sit up.<\/p>\n

For better instruction, I recommend watching someone perform the movement. YouTube will do the trick!<\/p>\n

\"\"2. \u00a0Head Rotations<\/h3>\n

Another way to address any incorrect signals coming from the ear is just to try and \u2018reset\u2019 that information. You can do this simply by rotating the head around slowly in each direction.<\/p>\n

Everything should shift back into place and your brain<\/a> should be able to reset what it is reading as \u2018zero\u2019. This is really the equivalent of \u2018have you tried turning it on and off again\u2019\u2026 but it works!<\/p>\n

\"\"3. \u00a0Find the Horizon<\/h3>\n

It might not be the ears<\/a> that are confused however but rather the eyes. This is what can happen when we get seasick or car sick. Here, the ears detect movement but when we look at our friends and fellow travelers, they appear to be static in relation to us \u2013 as does any furniture.<\/p>\n

Hence: vertigo. Focus on the horizon outside the vehicle then and this can help. Likewise, it can help when no vehicle was ever involved!<\/p>\n

\"\"4. \u00a0Hold Onto Something<\/h3>\n

Another way to remind your brain<\/a> which way is down and to help it settle is just to grab onto something solid.<\/p>\n

This can really be grounding and is comforting even before it begins to work. If nothing else, this option can also help you to avoid falling.<\/p>\n

\"\"5. \u00a0Neck Massage<\/h3>\n

Another specific type of vertigo is known as cervical vertigo. Here, you might be experiencing an injury<\/a> and\/or swelling around the neck.<\/p>\n

This can then cause pressure on one side of the neck and specifically, it can place pressure on the nerves that run up that side into the brain. This causes the false signal, telling you that the head is tilted more to one side.<\/p>\n

A neck massage can help to alleviate some of this pressure and reduce the swelling. A warm compress may also work.<\/p>\n

\"\"6. \u00a0Head Massage<\/h3>\n

You have a free license to go around demanding massages<\/a> now. That includes head massages which can also help thanks to the fact that it can help to deliver more blood to the brain. That can then improve symptoms of vertigo and help you to feel a lot better.<\/p>\n

And if that\u2019s not enough, consider that a massage is also able to fight stress \u2013 which we\u2019ll see in a moment could be one of the key causes.<\/p>\n

\"\"7. \u00a0Breathe Correctly<\/h3>\n

Another tip is to try closing your eyes for a moment and breathing carefully. Specifically, try breathing using the technique known as \u2018belly breathing\u2019. This is the proper way to breathe and involves first relaxing the abdominal muscles to allow the stomach to protrude and the diaphragm to drop into the abdominal cavity.<\/p>\n

At the same time, you try breathing more slowly and counting to 3 on each inhalation and exhalation.<\/p>\n

This can help to fix two potential issues leading to vertigo: hypoxia<\/a> and hyperoxia. In other words, you may be getting too much or too little blood to the brain!<\/p>\n

\"\"8. \u00a0Blood Pressure<\/h3>\n

Another issue is blood pressure<\/a>. Many people who have low blood pressure will find that they struggle to deliver enough blood to the brain and as such, they feel dizzy when they stand up suddenly. Those with high blood pressure can experience the same problem for the opposite reason: the heart now needs to work very hard to move the blood.<\/p>\n

Speak with your doctor and they can recommend lifestyle changes to fix your blood pressure. Meanwhile, build heart health and stay away from blood-thinning analgesics like Aspirin if your pressure is low.<\/p>\n

\"\"9. \u00a0Fall Prevention Exercises<\/h3>\n

This won\u2019t cure your vertigo but it can help to manage one complication: that is to prevent you from falling and hurting yourself.<\/p>\n

A physiotherapist<\/a> will teach you to develop the muscles in your legs, ankles, and feet and will help you to build reflexive strength so that you can catch yourself when you start to fall.<\/p>\n

\"\"10. \u00a0Balancing Exercises<\/h3>\n

Likewise, it is actually possible to train the balance<\/a>.<\/p>\n

We\u2019ve already seen how developing reflexive strength can do this and so can a number of other exercises designed to increase the connection between the body and the mind.<\/p>\n

\"\"11. \u00a0Clean Your Ears<\/h3>\n

You might find that the false information being picked up by your ears is actually the result of blockages. If you have a very heavily blocked ear, then this can cause vertigo so it is a good idea to spend some time cleaning it.<\/p>\n

Avoid Q-Tips which can make matters worse and instead look at using drops to soften and break up the wax.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s also possible this could be a symptom of an ear infection<\/a>.<\/p>\n

\"\"12. \u00a0Lie Down<\/h3>\n

Another way to effectively \u2018reset\u2019 your balance is just to lie down for a while. This gives the fluids time to settle, it helps to ensure that blood and oxygen<\/a> can reach the brain and it helps you to relax and de-stress.<\/p>\n

Finally, lying down keeps you connected firmly to the ground and lets you establish yourself in space. Now get up slowly and make sure that you don\u2019t rush it.<\/p>\n

\"\"13. \u00a0Relax<\/h3>\n

Stress<\/a> can cause many different problems and it might well make vertigo worse. Not only does stress potentially induce rapid breathing and lead to hyperoxia but it can also heighten our sensitivity to all of our senses.<\/p>\n

The first issue is why you will often experience dizziness and fainting during a panic attack. Patients are taught to recognize the nature of these attacks and then to use controlled breathing along with self-talk to help themselves calm back down and relax.<\/p>\n

The latter issue is why you feel greater pain if you are stressed. If you are getting any incorrect signals from your senses, then this will be more noticeable if you are stressed and you\u2019ll feel worse. Try to stay calm and to use CBT and other methods if necessary.<\/p>\n

\"\"14. \u00a0Eat Sugar<\/h3>\n

The brain needs oxygen and blood to work properly which is why low blood pressure<\/a> can cause vertigo. But the brain also needs a lot of other things, including sugar.<\/p>\n

When you haven\u2019t eaten in a long time, blood sugar can dip, and eventually, this can start to impact the performance of your brain.<\/p>\n

This can lead to lightheadedness, illness, and vertigo. The solution is to quickly eat something that will provide a rapid source of energy, such as a banana.<\/p>\n

\"\"15. \u00a0Caffeine<\/h3>\n

Caffeine<\/a> is a useful potential treatment for vertigo that you may have around the house. This is because it helps to actually increase oxygen to the brain and it is especially effective in treating vertigo that may be caused by low pressure seeing as it is a vasoconstrictor. A vasoconstrictor is essentially an ingredient that causes the blood vessels to become narrower, thus making it harder for things to pass through. To an extent this can be a good thing, allowing blood to get pushed through the veins more easily by the pumping action of the heart.<\/p>\n

Caffeine also clears away the brain-fog inducing adenosine which triggers more alertness and wakefulness. However, note that some people won\u2019t reap the benefits of caffeine. This can actually cause anxiety in some people and thus might make the problem worse in fact. It\u2019s also not advisable for those with high blood pressure.<\/p>\n

There are many different causes of vertigo and many different treatments. The key is to find the options that work best for you and for your particular type of vertigo!<\/p>\n\r\n
