2. It Boosts Brain Function
The number of health benefits that turmeric offer is quite staggering and this will be apparent as we go through this list.
But what’s also impressive is that turmeric is performance-enhancing. In other words, it can help to keep you well and to prevent you from becoming ill… but it can also help to improve your body and brain to a point that is better than the baseline!
This is particularly true of your cognitive performance. Turmeric will increase bloodflow to the brain by widening the brains and the arteries (it is a vasodilator) and this will help you feel more awake and focussed. At the same time, turmeric may be able to reduce brain fog by fighting inflammation and some studies even suggest that it is a powerful agent for increase brain plasticity.
Brain plasticity is the formation of new neurons and neural connections in response to learning. Turmeric appears to accomplish this by increasing BDNF – a neuropeptide that correlates with increased dopamine and can also enhance focus, energy, and mood.