2. Improper Face Washing
Most people would think that washing your face is an easy and straightforward process, but this isn’t always the case – and many people find that washing their face makes their symptoms worse, and makes everything from acne to eye styes appear on their faces.
If this happens to you, there are a few possible causes: First, you should take note of the process that you use when you wash your face. Do you clean the basin or bowl beforehand – and properly – before you use it (and after someone else has)? Are you using products that you might be showing an allergic reaction to, or are you keeping clothes and wipes somewhere they can be cross-contaminated?
Usually, if this is what’s causing your eye styes, a couple of small changes are usually enough to make a big difference – and could make the condition go away entirely. If it doesn’t, make an appointment with a dermatologist and have them run some non-invasive tests.