It’s strange that when it comes to your body, you often think about feeding your muscles and every other organ besides your brain. Yet the brain is not only one of the biggest organs, but certainly the most important (along with your heart), and definitely the most complex. Scientists have worked out that if the human brain were a computer, it would be the most powerful computer ever built, and that we are light years away from building the kind of technology that would be required to power this ‘computer’.
Yet, powering this computer is simple – it takes nutritious foods to do so. Your brain makes up only 2% of your total body weight but uses 20% of all the energy in your body. Consequently, it’s critical to change your mindset and making feeding your brain a priority. Without taking this type of step, clarity of thought would not be possible, and in turn, productivity levels would decrease.
1. Oily Fish
Whether it’s mackerel, salmon, anchovies, herring, pilchards, trout, or sardines, turns out mom was right when she told you ‘fish makes you smart’ as a child. The brain thrives on healthy fat and the fatty acids found in omega-3 and 6 rich foods. You have to ingest essential fatty acids (EFAs), as the body cannot produce them. Most of it is to be found in natural form in oily fish, plant sources such as linseed, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, and soya beans.
Not only do these fats nourish the brain, but they also keep your joints in good shape. So important are these fats to healthy brain development at all stages of life, that research has shown that when women take fish oils or consume more oily fish during pregnancy, their children have higher test scores in early childhood. These tests are based on brain development and intelligence. There is also evidence that a lack of fatty acids causes the brain to deteriorate.