Intestinal bloating is often caused by or goes together with belly gas, abdominal pain, physical swelling of the tummy and constipation. Approximately 10% of Americans report being sufferers of the dreaded bloat, with or without eating a large meal. Bloating and passing gas (flatus) excessively, along with constipation, cramps and/or diarrhea are also symptoms of Irritable Bowel Symptom (IBS), which affects up to 20% of American men and 24% of women.
Factors influencing bloating (with or without pain and gas) are often down to diet, lifestyle habits such as not chewing food properly and/or digestive ails. These digestive issues could include inflammation of the colon due to the overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut, which stops the good bacteria from being able to assist with digestion.
Certain enzymes are required to break down the various food groups such as dairy, carbohydrates, and protein. Consequently, a lack of these enzymes could result in food lying in the tract longer than it should and consequently fermenting. This allows the body to store it as sugar and ultimately fat.
Here are some bloat-beating remedies that work quickly.
1. Probiotic Supplements
Probiotics help the body greatly with digesting certain food groups, along with enzymes, as they repopulate the gut with the good bacteria required for this function. As there are many probiotic supplements on the market, finding the right one for you can be tricky as not everyone has the same base level of probiotics, and so finding what you’re missing is no small thing.
However, what you can do is to look for a multi-strain probiotic with a high culture count. Multi-strain supplements are a better bet than single-strand ones, not least because not every strand survives the same pH level in the body. The last thing you need is your pH barrier stopping these probiotics from being effective. One of the most studied strands is Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG), so a product containing this is a good start. Your supplement should also preferably contain prebiotics. You should be to be more regular and see permanent results within a month at most.