Kombucha is a drink you’ve probably seen in a glass bottle at the coolest health food store in your neighborhood. What is it, though? You’ve probably been tempted to try it, but its look, color, and composition can scare some people off. It is sometimes called a Manchurian mushroom or tea mushroom. It is a fermented, sweetened green or black tea drink that is touted as a health drink. Its proponents say that it has several health benefits. It also tastes pretty darn good.
Some people drink it just for its interesting, unusual taste, and they like that they’re getting supposed health benefits, too. There is a wide variety of kombucha drinks on the market, and it doesn’t seem like the kombucha fad is going anywhere. There are plenty of reasons to drink kombucha every day, so pick up a few bottles the next time you’re at the health food store to see if you like it. It’s been called the “Immortal Health Elixir”, and it has been consumed for nearly 2,000 years. Let’s look at 18 benefits of kombucha for the body and mind. This is probably the most comprehensive list online. Save it for future reference.
1. Anti-Microbial Powers
Kombucha has a tangy flavor because of its acetic acid content. Thanks to this content, it’s able to fight off microbes, which are tiny, bacterial lifeforms in your body that are responsible for making you sick. At the same time as Kombucha is helping your immune system fight these off, it’s also allowing the good bacteria to thrive.
As such, it does a great job of preventing and fighting off infections while also helping you digest food and build up even more good bacteria in your body. For this reason, some people have seen it as an alternative to commercial antibiotics because Kombucha isn’t as harmful as they are.