2. Night Sweats
Night sweats are a common symptom that accompanies a fever and together has the potential to mean that your body is actively trying to rid itself of a very serious infection or illness.
It’s also one of the symptom combinations that can potentially signal a tuberculosis infection, especially if it can be combined with enough of the other potential symptoms in this article – particularly with a long-lasting cough.
The combination of night sweats and a fever won’t automatically mean that you have tuberculosis, but the most important thing to realize is that it might. If you experience other symptoms, this is more likely.
It’s also common for TB symptoms to become far worse at night, in particular coughing, sweating, and fever.
See your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms for more than a few weeks. It takes a simple blood test or x-ray to establish the possibility of infection, and it takes just a few weeks of treatment to cure from there.