Bacterial vaginosis (also called BV) is one of the most common types of vaginal infection out there: The condition affects thousands of women worldwide, and the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis can easily mirror that of a yeast infection, urinary tract infection or several different sexually transmitted conditions including chlamydia.
Surprisingly, bacterial vaginosis might spread through sexual contact but is not considered an STD. It’s an infection that any woman might get, and even though the symptoms might feel embarrassing to most people when they experience them, it’s no reflection on hygiene – and can, in fact, instead be a sign of cleaning or douching the vagina too much.
In many cases, a bacterial vaginosis infection doesn’t require the use of antibiotics or medication to treat it – and it might go away by itself with the right home treatment.
Here are 14 natural cures for bacterial vaginosis that can help you to get your health back on track as a great supplementary treatment
1. Bath instead of shower for the duration of the infection
One of the first things that you should do if you suspect you might have a condition like bacterial vaginosis or a yeast infection is to choose the option of a bath over that of a shower if you have a choice. There’s a good reason why: A bath allows the body to soak – and many things can be added to a bath for practical health benefits to help the body relax and heal.
Bacterial vaginosis isn’t caused by poor hygiene, but it can be caused by cleaning the vagina so many times that it starts to negatively affect the pH. A shower just lets water run off the body and doesn’t leave any practical benefit for soaking, and that would mean that any of the bath-enhanced methods on this list won’t apply.
If you want to take proper care of your body after a bacterial vaginosis infection, there are far more health benefits to having a bath than to having a shower: But if it isn’t possible to take a bath, there are still methods on this list that can help.