No one enjoys having acid reflux. This is a condition that can cause you to end up actually regurgitating some of your food and thereby having it back in your mouth hours after eating. That’s a rather disgusting thought and it’s not something that will win you many points for hosting.
On top of this though, acid reflux can also be very painful. That’s because it is actually caused by the esophageal sphincter opening up and thereby allowing food to travel back up the food pipe and into the mouth. Problem is that it isn’t just food that travels up – you’ll also get the bile and stomach acids in the stomach free of charge, which cause a nasty burning sensation in the chest.
This is what many of us will refer to as heartburn – though the two don’t necessarily always occur together.
The most worrying part is that repeated bouts of acid reflux can actually be very bad for your health over time. This is because the acid in your esophagus can actually cause a significant amount of damage and thereby even increase your chances of developing cancer – just as though you smoked!
For these reasons, you’ll want to get the problem solved as soon as possible. Here are some home remedies that can help.
1. Water
The number one solution for acid reflux is to drink more water. What goes on in your stomach is that you’re going to be breaking down your food using a combination of fluids and digestive enzymes. If the food is digested properly, then it has less chance of making its way back up the food pipe.
There are several things you can eat to help improve the digestive process but none will be so effective as simple water which helps to dissolve the foods and thereby encourage their easy absorption. As an added bonus, drinking water will help to directly soothe the effected area and at the same time it will dilute and neutralize some of the acid that is causing the burning sensation.