Kidney stones occur when there is a hard mass of salt and minerals in the kidneys. There are more than three million cases in the U.S. each year. Certain foods can cause kidney stones because they have chemicals that cause painful crystals. When you expect that you have kidney stones, you need to seek help from your doctor.
The doctor will take imaging tests to see how severe or mild it is. If it’s not too serious, the doctor will tell you what foods to avoid. Some foods that you’ll need to avoid are salty foods, meats, and animal protein. It is okay to eat some of these foods but in moderation.
It is important to drink plenty of water and stay away from drinks that are acidity. By drinking a lot of water, it gets rid of the waste in your urine, so that kidney stones are harder to form.
1. Spinach is one of the foods that can cause kidney stones.
Spinach is considered one of the healthy foods to eat, but there is a downside to it as well. The reason it can cause kidney stones is that it contains an antinutrient where minerals can fasten together. On the other hand, raw spinach won’t actually damage your kidneys, unless you already have a history of kidney stones or kidney disease.
Even if it might not affect a healthy person, it is still a good idea to limit the amount you consume. Even canned spinach isn’t good for you to eat all of the time. It has large amounts of sodium, which can affect your kidneys.
As stated before, it won’t give you kidney stones, if you eat it once in a while. It may be a good idea to eat it once a month with a full glass of water.