There are many different health-related issues that can cause you to feel tired all of the time. Of course, simply not getting enough sleep can result in you feeling tired. There are other stressors and things that you may be doing that are causing you to feel tired as well.
In addition, serious illnesses such as a stroker or cancer, or recovering from a medical treatment can make you feel tired as well. Everyone experiences stress at some time. Most of the time this can be relieved by simply sleeping and getting some much-needed rest.
However, if you are suffering from fatigue, no amount of rest will have you feeling any less tired. There are many underlying health issues that may be causing you to feel this way. Here are 14 of the common causes of why you may always be tired.
1. Anemia
One reason that you may be feeling tired all the time or that you are simply constantly run down no matter how much sleep you get is because you have an iron deficiency known as anemia. Women who are pregnant or suffer from extra heavy periods are especially prone to developing anemia.
However, postmenopausal women and men may also be affected by low iron. In these cases, the cause is often associated with issues with the stomach and the intestines. Ulcers can cause this disorder to develop as well as taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications.
Often, when you have an iron deficiency you may feel like you cannot be bothered to do anything, you get tired very quickly, and your muscles feel heavy. It is also possible to have too much iron. This can also cause you to feel tired. An iron overload disorder is called hemochromatosis. This condition is rare and affects both men and women ages 30 to 60.