2. ‘Feeling Strange’
We have an unfortunate tendency to think of our health as a series of binaries. That is to say that we think of ourselves as being either ‘healthy or not’. We think we have ‘diabetes or we don’t’. Or ‘hypothyroidism or we’re fine’. In reality, these conditions are almost always simply examples of a point on a sliding scale.
You may not have diabetes, but that doesn’t mean that you might not have poor insulin sensitivity. Or maybe ‘prediabetes’. You might not have hypothyroidism, but you may have metabolic syndrome. It has even been suggested that we all have some degree of cancer – only that in most cases our bodies are able to keep it in check.
Likewise, an unusual activity likely happens in the brain all the time – just to not enough of a degree as to be a cause for concern. If you do notice that you are feeling unusual – dizzy, confused, staring into space – and this happens regularly, then consider speaking with your doctor to get a check-up.