2. Lower Cholesterol
Elevated cholesterol levels are a threat to your health. Maintaining a balance of the lipids, LDL and HDL, is critical for cardiovascular health. When LDL, (bad cholesterol,) gets out of control, it results in a buildup of plaque on the arterial walls. This plaque build-up increases blood pressure as the heart struggles to pump blood around the body.
If left untreated, high blood pressure develops into a condition called “hypertension.” In a hypertensive state, the cardiovascular system is at risk of heart disease. Physicians prescribe statin drugs to reduce total lipid levels and LDL cholesterol while increasing the production of HDL, (good cholesterol.) However, these drugs come with their own set of health risks.
Bioactive compounds in mushrooms assist the liver in burning LDL cholesterol lipids. This effect gives the bod a balanced cholesterol profile while reducing total lipid count. Mushrooms are high in dietary fiber which sweeps the GI tract clean of undigested food. This effect reduces systemic inflammation while improving the health of blood vessels.