3. Fever or Chills
Normal human body temperature is usually around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit – anything that goes over 100 and we can say that your body is experiencing a fever. This is usually your body’s immune system reacting to an infection, and it’s your body’s way of trying to fight the raging infection inside your body – though the first thing that you should do if you have a fever is to try bring it under control.
Paracetamol can help to “break” a fever – but you should keep in mind that it doesn’t mean it will fix the cause of what’s wrong with you; if you have a recurring fever, there’s almost always an underlying cause behind it that will need medical attention and you should see your doctor the moment you spot recurring symptoms like this.
Natural remedies to control a fever can be exceptionally dangerous, including throwing someone into icy water to get rid of a fever – this can just send their bodies and heart into severe shock.