3. Eat More Slowly
Interestingly, those bumps will very often be caused by heartburn or indigestion. This is particularly true if either of those things should lead to acid reflux, as that way the acid can end up irritating the skin on the tongue.
If you find that you have acid reflux that is causing lumps, then you need to address the reflux in order to get to the root of the problem. One of the best things you can do to prevent this problem is to eat more slowly. This way, you will break down your food more and it will, therefore, reach the stomach in a form that is less likely to cause indigestion. At the same time, it means you’ll have less trapped air in your stomach.
There are many more ways to combat indigestion and reflux too. These include consuming digestive enzymes and foods containing those enzymes, or drinking more water while you consume your food. Avoid lying down after eating or engaging in vigorous exercise too.