There are plenty of potential causes for hand tremors, and you might be worried that your hand tremors are pointing to a much more serious health problem. You should know that if experiencing this problem is what led you to have to look it up on the internet, then you should know that in most cases the cause of hand tremors is nothing serious – and the condition is easy to treat and manage in most instances of hand tremors.
If you have been experiencing hand tremors, then you should take a look at some of the causes on this list and make some small adjustments to your lifestyle to see if this makes any kind of difference to the condition; if your condition remains unchanged or becomes any worse, then you should make an appointment with your doctor to find the root cause of the condition.
Here are 10 hand tremor causes that everyone should be aware of.
1. Caffeine Toxicity
There are plenty of people who swear that they can’t start off their day with a cup or two of their favorite coffee; eventually, these people will find that they are also relying on coffee to get them through the morning crunch, then finally through the afternoon slump – and eventually, they will be drinking eight, twelve or more cups per day.
People might even switch directly from drinking coffee to something much stronger like energy drinks or caffeine tablets: This can have a whole range of side-effects, including heart palpitations and chest pain. You could also be putting yourself in the danger zone for a heart attack if you have consumed too much caffeine, especially if you already have some underlying form of heart problem that you might not have known about
Hand tremors are also extremely common when you are suffering from caffeine toxicity, and usually switching to decaf is enough to make the tremors go away.