Our digestive system contains trillions of live bacteria. These “biomes” play a significant role in our physical and mental health. Gut biomes assimilate nutrition from our food and distribute minerals and nutrients through the permeable intestinal wall and into the blood.
The food we eat determines the health of our digestive system. A diet high in processed food and sugar will greatly diminish biome health. These foods reduce biome efficiency, exposing the digestive system to microbial infection from pathogens such as salmonella and E. coli.
Fermented foods contain probiotic compounds that provide protection to the digestive system. The living microflora in fermented food products boost biome health. Over 70-percent of our immune system resides in our GI tract. Therefore, the probiotics in fermented foods increase immune health and efficiency.
Adding fermented foods to your diet can cure gastrointestinal disease and disorders by rebalancing the health of gut biomes. Improve your gut health and well-being by consuming these 10-foods.
1. Sauerkraut
Fermented brassicas may not be visually appealing. The limp, yellow-beige appearance of preserved cabbage makes one wonder why anyone would attempt eating it altogether. Opening a jar of sauerkraut may cause your nostrils to recoil in horror as the pungent aroma fills the air. However, this fermented food is popular in Poland and Germany, where the local people enjoy it as part of their regular diet.
Unpasteurized sauerkraut has a reputation for aiding digestion. Each jar of the fermented cabbage is swarming with the beneficial bacteria – Lactobacillus. This healthy microflora relieves constipation and cures an upset stomach while improving the digestive capacity of gut biomes. This traditional food also contains isothiocyanate compounds that protect the GI tract from cancer.
Traditional, organic sauerkraut recipes contain nothing but cabbage, salt, and water. Many food manufacturers add preservatives and sweeteners to improve taste and extend shelf life. Ensure that the label on your jar states has none of these additives, as they kill off the beneficial bacteria.