Chickenpox is a viral infection that is highly contagious. The Right Diagnosis website says it is a common illness in the US which affects almost 90 percent of individuals who come into contact with the virus.
The Mayo Clinic confirms that before the advent of advanced medical science, most people were infected by the virus before reaching adulthood. At the same time, the disease came with serious complications. In some instances, this infection came with fatal consequences. However, with the advancement in medical science, including the vaccination, the number of cases of reported chickenpox, as well as the number of related hospitalizations, declined dramatically.
Recent statistics on Right Diagnosis show that 81 percent of children between the ages of 19 to 35 months are vaccinated for chickenpox each year in the US.
Owing to the risk factor associated with it, it’s advisable to know the symptoms of chickenpox has various symptoms before and after the trademark rash appears.
1. A General Feeling of Being Unwell (Malaise)
Experts on the MedicineNet website explain chickenpox takes around 10 to 21 days to develop after contact with an infected person. An early sign something is amiss with a person’s health is when the patient starts to feel generally unwell. This condition has been called ‘malaise’. describes malaise, or this general feeling of being unwell, as being characterized by a number of factors: weakness in the body, discomfort, the feeling of having an illness and a general experience of simply not feeling good.
While all of these things are being experienced, the person will feel fatigued and this tiredness does not go away, even with rest. Exhaustion and lethargy accompany this feeling of being unwell. The reason for this weakness and exhaustion is the body’s immune system attempting to fight off the disease. The body has experienced a disruption in its functioning and has begun to fight off the virus.