To clarify initially, in order to qualify as Bipolar Disorder, the Manic symptoms listed here must be present for at least a week in individuals, and co-occur with at least three per episode. Also, the degree of these symptoms must be extreme enough to even possibly necessitate hospitalization in order to prevent harm to themselves or others. All of this should occur, due to the individual’s natural state, not the result of drug usage. This is the criteria to meet the diagnosis.
And here are the symptoms no one wants to talk about of Bipolar Disorder. So shock-worthy they’ll make you cringe, toss and turn rather than sleep at night, just thinking of living a life in this way… These individuals have little to no control over their behavior during these episodes.
The most control they have is to get help from the people around them (including at least one professional in the field) to help them create a culture for their life that will support and promote healthy brain chemistry and healthy habits to break the vicious psycho- a social- physiopathological cycle that can devour their lives, marriages, careers, bank accounts, and wreak havoc on friend and other family relationships.
1. Hyper-Sexuality
This symptom of Mania is one of the most deceiving and painful for the individual and those around them to experience. While at first glance, it may seem appealing or ‘fun’… I assure you it is not.
Sexual indiscretions, such as engaging in intercourse with strangers, married friends, acquaintances, and etc., can lead to marriages ripped apart, life-long life-threatening sexually transmitted diseases (because it was more passionate or exciting to not use a condom with the stranger whose sexual history you did not in fact know), and social isolation from friends, family, and peers who now feel cautious or fearful of your dangerous, impulsive, life-changing behavior. Most people do not like engaging in life-long drama but this particular common trait of mania can make this all but impossible.
The medical bills resulting from STD’s should be enough to steer any normal functioning person clear of this path in life, but… sometimes, without proper medication and/or cognitive behavioral therapy, these individuals are not able, I repeat, not able to control themselves. We all need help sometimes, and that is normal.